Removing specimens from the hardened cork lining of the old unit trays is an exercise in patience, skill, and endurance. The use of entomological pliers is not always necessary, but it is recommended to avoid causing damage to the specimens.
Cutting the unit tray with box cutter
Beetles to be transferred to new trays
When the unit trays are too packed we must cut them open
Entomological pliers
Removing specimens using entomological pliers
Removing specimens using entomological pliers
Many times the bottom is lose and will come off easily
Tray liner is frequently lose and can be removed easily from the old tray
Pins usually have cork residue attached to them and must be cleaned before they can be placed in the new trays
Sanding pin tip to remove rust and cork bits
Specimens removed from old cork-lined tray and grime-free
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Funded by the National Science Foundation
Award # 2035537
