This is such an exciting part of the semester for our P3 class – our fourth year APPE schedules were just released to us! It is a surreal feeling that we are finishing up on our didactic curriculum for our PharmD career. APPE’s are a great way for students to tailor their fourth year, giving them an opportunity to have rotations in areas that they have an interest in. It is also a great way for them to branch out and become immersed in things that you they are not familiar with. There are so many specialties and paths to pursue after graduation, so these rotations (and their amazing preceptors) are great resources to help us decide what we want to do! I know that my interests have greatly changed since beginning pharmacy school!
I am really looking forward to my rotations, most notably my longitudinal academic rotation within the College of Pharmacy! I will be helping to develop integrated patient cases for the P2 students to work on during their workshops. I have an interest in teaching, and I am excited to gain experience in this setting! I am also looking forward to my pediatric ambulatory care rotation at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and my rotation in the SICU at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center! I found our critical care module to be very interesting and I am excited to apply the information we learned in class to patients in the hospital!
The profession of pharmacy is changing constantly, and pharmacists are playing more of an integral role in healthcare than ever before. Whether it’s nuclear pharmacy, managed care, hospital health systems, community/independent pharmacy, ambulatory care, academia, industry, etc., where do you see yourself practicing?