
Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #8
Date: February 7, 2018
Start time: 4:45 pm
End time: 6 pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler, Bahjat
Location: 18th Avenue Library
Topics Discussed:
Tyler and Bahjat updated the website and worked on the forward looking summary for the progress report.
Patrick and Jayson worked on editing the already completed content for the progress report and combined the separate work into a single document.
Entire team worked on the appendices for the progress report.
Upcoming tasks: Begin Advanced R&D labs(everyone).
Reflection: Today was a very productive day for our group, as we completed many necessary tasks. We finished the progress report, updated the website, and looked ahead to the next lab session.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #9
Date: February 8, 2018
Start time: 11:10am
End time: 12:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler, Bahjat
Location: HI-224
Topics Discussed:
The team decided to work on Motor Quantity and Motor Configurations.
For motor quantity, the team tested different number of motors (1 or 2 motors) installed on the AEV.
Power vs. Time and Power vs. Distance plots where generated based on the different number of motors installed.
Each motor setting was tested 5 different times with the same code.
The team decided on the optimal number of motors, which was 2 motors.

Reflection: Today was a very productive day for our group. The group was successfully able to figure out the optimal number o motors, and the best motor configuration (position).

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #10                                                                                                                                                                        Date: February 8, 2018
Start time: 4:30pm
End time: 5:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler, Bahjat
Location: Thompson Library
Topics Discussed:
The team worked on the grant proposal, and discussed who is going to present during lab tomorrow (Patrick) and what he is going to say tomorrow.

Reflection: Today was a very productive day for our group. We decided Patrick will be the group representative and we created the slide for the presentation.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #11
Date: February 21, 2018
Start time: 4:30pm
End time: 5:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler, Bahjat
Location: Thompson Library
Topics Discussed:
The team worked exclusively worked on rewriting the progress report, in an attempt to get that 90%. We also completed the AR&D quiz 2.

Reflection: Today was a very productive day for our group. We finished the rewrite for the progress report, which occupied the majority of our time, and we spent the rest of our meeting time reviewing the AR&D materials and completing the quiz.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #12
Date: February 22, 2018
Start time: 11:10am
End time: 12:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler, Bahjat
Location: HI-224
Topics Discussed:
The team decided to work on Motor Quantity and Motor Configurations.
For motor quantity, the team tested 2 motors installed on the AEV.
Power vs. Time and Power vs. Distance plots where generated based on the different number of motors installed. 5 tests were performed for each motor quantity.
For motor configuration, the team tested different motor positions on the AEV while 2 motors are installed.
First configuration included 2 motor installed on the back side of the AEV, while the second configuration included 2 motors, one positioned upfront and one on the back of the AEV.
Each motor setting was tested 5 different times with the same code.
Power vs. Time and Power vs. Distance plots where generated based on the different configurations tested.
The team decided on the optimal number of motors, which was 2 motors. The optimum configuration was 2 motors installed on the back.

Reflection: Today was a very productive day for our group. The group was successfully able to complete testing both motor quantity and motor configuration, all necessary Power vs. Time and Power vs. Distance plots were graphed and advanced R&D is done.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #13
Date: February 28, 2018
Start time: 4:45pm
End time: 6:00pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler, Bahjat
Location: CBEC-220
Topics Discussed:
The group worked on preparing the PowerPoint presentation for to present on Thursday. AR&D Plots were successfully uploaded to the presentation. Roles were distributed evenly among the group members. The group practiced the presentation a few times, made sure that figures and plots are correct. In addition to that, the group updated the website with the necessary AR&D graphs for motor configuration and motor amount.

Reflection: Today was a very productive day for our group. The group was successfully able to complete the presentation and practice their roles. Update the website successfully.