Team G Sales/ Contact info

Product Advantages:

1. Reliability: The AEV code worked flawlessly.
2. Safety: The AEV is super safe. Zero safety violations were recorded during testing.
3. Affordability: The AEV is cost effective, minimalistic.

4. Stability: center of mass is directly below the rail.

Data to prove success:

1. The final run graph:








2. Safety violation list:


The excel picture above shows the safety violation list Ben made including all the groups who committed safety violations and received fines on the AEVs. Group G’s AEV has zero safety violations registered.

3. The class average cost was $158,650, and team G’s AEV cost was $150,290.

Team G’s AEV is under the average budget cost proving that the AEV is affordable and cost efficient.

4. The picture below shows the center of mass was 0.14 inches from wheels which shows that it is practically directly below and in between both wheels. Being this close makes the AEV more stable and efficient since the weight is centered.




Team Leader: Tyler McRill

Head of R&D: Jayson Perza

Head of Human Resources: Patrick Clauss

Head of Documentation: Bahjat Basmaji