
Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #22
Date: April 2nd, 2018
Start time: 10:20am
End time: 11:15pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Bahjat, Tyler
Location: HI-308

Topics Discussed:
The team worked on coding the AEV with the proper code for Performance Test 3, however, the team then realized that there was a piece of tape covering the reflecting sensor, that would drag on the wheel giving error/manipulated readings to the reflecting sensor. After fixing the problem, the team continued coding of the AEV afterwards preparing for the final Performance Test.

Reflection: Today was a successful day for the team. The team fixed an unexpected issue on the AEV, and started preparing for the final PT. The team will finish up final PT next class, if everything went as planned. Jayson and Tyler will continue to tinker with the code, Patrick will work on the actual AEV design and Bahjat will take care of the documentation.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #23
Date: April 2nd, 2018
Start time: 5:30pm
End time: 8:00pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Bahjat, Tyler
Location: Physics Smith Lab – Lobby

Topics discussed:
The group worked on the final presentation draft, broke down the whole presentation into segments, and distributed what each group member will be talking about. Topics the group talked about included Performance Tests 1,2 and 3, all the necessary graphs associated with the tests and Motor count and configuration for R&D.

Reflection: The meeting was a success. The team successfully finished the final presentation draft. Tyler worked PT 1, 2 and 3. Jayson worked on the R&Ds. Patrick worked on graphs and notes. Bahjat worked on putting the Presentation together and documentation.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #24
Date: April 11th, 2018
Start time: 10:20am
End time: 11:15am
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Bahjat, Tyler
Location: Physics HI-308

Topics discussed:
The team was facing problems in the reflecting sensor and the battery, which reflected horrible results on the performance of the AEV. They team was struggling to get the AEV to function or perform the same way as it did last class. That sent the AEV back to the starting point. After fixing the reflecting sensor and changing the battery, the AEV did a little better, but still not the way the team wanted it to function.

Reflection: Today was a hard day for the team. The team encountered a lot of issue to set the AEV just the way it was left last class. The team spent their time fixing the reflecting sensor, adjusting the code just to make get the AEV back on track. Jayson was handling the code adjustments, Tyler was putting the AEV into testing, Patrick assembled the AEV and fixed the reflecting sensor, and Bahjat was responsible of documentation and battery changing.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #25
Date: April 11th, 2018
Start time: 4:45pm
End time: 6:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Bahjat, Tyler
Location: Physics HI-308

Topics discussed:
The group started looking, discussing and dividing the work required for both, the final presentation and the Critical Design Review (CDR). Each member of the group was assigned a part to work on. Also the group is still waiting on the CDR draft to be graded in order to see and examine the errors and mistakes made on it and correct them for the final CDR copy.

Reflection: This meeting was a success. The group was able to divide up the work critically and effectively. Each group member was assigned a part to work on. Jayson will handle the first part of the presentation and the CDR, Tyler will handle the middle part, Patrick will look at the last part and Bahjat will do the conclusion and putting the file together.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #26
Date: April 12th, 2018
Start time: 11:10am
End time: 12:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Bahjat, Tyler

Topics discussed:
he group worked on putting the final touches on the code and AEV. The code failed to have the AEV to function the way it is supposed to at first, however, after the team manipulated the code multiple times, it worked just fine. The AEV performed the desired track test the way the TAs expected it to be.

Reflection: The final performance test and the code successfully worked after the team enthusiastically strive to get it to work. Jayson handled the code errors critically, Tyler and Patrick worked actively on getting the AEV on the track, and Bahjat got all the documentation written down on the website correctly and successfully.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #27
Date: April 15th, 2018
Start time: 5:30pm
End time: 8:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Bahjat, Tyler
Location: Physics HI-308

Topics discussed:
The group worked on putting the final presentation and final Critical Design Review (CDR) draft. Jason revised the PowerPoint slides while Tyler, Patrick, and Bahjat reviewed and recited their parts for the presentation. The group also began work on the CDR final draft. Each member of the group was assigned a part to work on.

Reflection: This meeting was very productive. The group was able to divide up the work critically and effectively. Each group member was assigned a part to work on. Jayson will handle the first part of the presentation and the CDR, Tyler will handle the middle part, Patrick will look at the last part and Bahjat will do the conclusion and putting the file together.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #28
Date: April 18th, 2018
Start time: 5:30pm
End time: 8:30pm
Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Bahjat, Tyler
Location: Chemistry Building

Topics discussed:
The group worked on putting the final presentation and final Critical Design Review (CDR) draft. Jason revised the PowerPoint slides while Tyler, Patrick, and Bahjat reviewed and recited their parts for the presentation. The group also began work on the CDR final draft. Each member of the group was assigned a part to work on. We also worked on finishing the final website.

Reflection: This meeting was very productive. The group was able to divide up the work critically and effectively. Each group member was assigned a part to work on. Jayson will handle the first part of the presentation and the CDR, Tyler will handle the middle part, Patrick will look at the last part and Bahjat will do the conclusion and putting the file together. The entire team worked together on the website update, with Tyler working on meeting notes, Patrick did scoring and screening, Bahjat did the sales pitch, and Jayson rounded out the rest.