
Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #1

Date: January 11, 2018

Start time: 11:10 am

End time: 12:30 pm

Members Present: All

Location: Hitchcock Hall 224

Topics Discussed: Project Introduced, Checklist completed, Person responsible for kit, Brainstorming basic Ideas.

We decided to give the kit to Patrick because we needed to give it to someone who was most likely to be on campus most often as 2 of us are commuters.  This idea was brought up by all four of us.

The project was overviewed by the professor.

We all looked over the checklist and signed necessary documents.

We established a weekly meeting day/time of Wednesday at 4:45.

Upcoming Tasks: Review basic building procedure and brainstorm.(Everyone) Assign team leader.(Everyone)

Reflection: We determined a plan for how to tackle the project as a whole, including meeting times and who to give the kit to.


Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #2

Date: January 17, 2018

Start time: 5pm

End time: 6:30 pm

Members Present: All

Location: Thompson room 55

Topics Discussed:

We decided to make Tyler our group’s representative to due the fact that he lives on campus and is the most available.

Basic form and building procedure of the AEV.

We looked over the manual and came up with design ideas.

Tyler suggested that we go based off the template in the manual.

Jayson suggested we make it as lightweight as possible.

Patrick and Bahjat suggested we use the least amount of materials possible to keep the cost down.

Upcoming tasks: Finish constructing the AEV and begin looking at the Arduino code.(Everyone)

Reflections: We spent a majority of our time brainstorming design ideas for the AEV. We all had different ideas, so discussing the differences in our ideas was helpful in determining the best possible design.


Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #3

Date: January 18, 2018

Start time: 11:10 am

End time: 12:30 pm

Members Present: All

Location: Hitchcock Hall 224

Topics Discussed:

Team assembled the AEV controller on the motor mount desktop stand.

Team began going over the lab requirements, and programming basics.

Arduino didn’t recognize all steps of the uploaded code, regardless of the fact it was written properly.

Team discussed possible solutions to this problem, and began debugging code step by step.

Code was eventually running properly even though nothing was changed from before.

Team worked on building the AEV arm to be attached to the rail.

Upcoming tasks: Finish constructing the AEV and begin looking at the Arduino code.(Everyone), Brainstorm(everyone), Create drawings of proposed AEV design(everyone), Finish PR&D labs(Everyone)

Reflection: Jayson and Tyler were taught by a TA how to effectively debug the arduino code, while Patrick and Bahjat worked on the actual construction of the vehicle.


Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #4

Date: January 24, 2018

Start time: 5pm

End time: 6pm

Members Present: All

Location: Thompson room 51

Topics Discussed:

Team created orthographic drawings of their own ideas for the AEV.

Team brainstormed ideas for AEV design.

Upcoming tasks: Finish constructing the AEV and begin looking at the Arduino code.(Everyone), Brainstorm(everyone), Finish PR&D labs(Everyone).

Reflection: Similar to an earlier meeting, we were all able to come up with our own ideas for designs.

Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #5

Date: January 25, 2018

Start time: 11:00am

End time: 12:25 pm

Members Present: All

Location: Hitchcock Hall 224

Topics Discussed:

Team members created the AEV (Patrick and Bahjat)

Team did reflectance sensor tests and design analysis tool PR&D lab.(Everyone)

Upcoming tasks: Finish constructing the AEV and begin looking at the Arduino code.(Everyone), Brainstorm(everyone), Finish PR&D labs(Everyone).

Reflection: Patrick and Bahjat continued their normal role of working on the construction of the physical vehicle itself, while Jayson and Tyler once again worked on the code for the arduino, including the reflectance sensor tests. We have found that staying to these roles maximizes our productivity, as these jobs compliment our individual skills.


Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #6

Date: January 31, 2018

Start time: 5pm

End time: 6pm

Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler

Location: Thompson

Topics Discussed:

Jayson and Tyler  updated the Website.

Patrick updated the design page of the website.

Team created the final orthographic sketch.

Upcoming tasks: Finish constructing the AEV and begin looking at the Arduino code.(Everyone),Finish PR&D labs(Everyone), Progress Report(Everyone)

Reflection: This meeting was mainly for the process of updating the website, and fine tuning a final orthographic sketch of our design.


Meeting Notes for Team Meeting #7

Date: February 1, 2018

Start time: 11:10 am

End time: 12:30 pm

Members Present: Jayson, Patrick, Tyler, Bahjat

Location: Hitchcock 224

Topics Discussed:

Tyler updated the website and wrote Arduino code to test the AEV.

Patrick and Bahjat are completing the concept screening and the concept scoring table.

Jayson is completing MATLAB graphs using the AEV Analysis Tool.

Team weighed multiple design options.

Upcoming tasks: Begin Advanced R&D labs(everyone).

Reflection: Once again, Tyler and Jayson worked on the software aspect of the AEV, while Bahjat and Patrick worked on the screenings and scoring for various designs. This lab meeting was particularly effective, as we were able to fix any errors we were having from the previous lab along with completing all the necessary tasks for this week.