When we renewed our Panopto agreement in fall 2020, this included having our content hosted on Panopto’s servers instead of our own. This meant existing content was moved from https://panopto.con.ohio-state.edu/ to https://osucon.hosted.panopto.com/. We have a redirect in place, but it will be going away on May 1, 2022. If you have any older Panopto links (from December 2020 and earlier) in Carmen or other places, they will need to be updated. You will also want to update your bookmarks if you are still visiting the Panopto home page at https://panopto.con.ohio-state.edu/.
Here is an example of an older link compared to the newer link.
OLD LINK EXAMPLE (redirecting until May 1, 2022) —
UPDATED LINK EXAMPLE (after redirect) —
You can get the new link by visiting the old one, copying the link from the top of the page, and then pasting that where you have the old link.
If you are working on updating one of these links after May 1, 2022, simply replace panopto.con.ohio-state.edu in your link with osucon.hosted.panopto.com. (If the link also has http:// instead of https://, change that part as well).
The CarmenCanvas link validation tool will also be helpful to identify these links after the redirect is removed. It currently can’t find these links because of the redirect being in place.
Please contact con-it@osu.edu with questions.