Sharing Recordings and Linking to Carmen

Ensure that your video has been recorded and uploaded to Panopto.

Log in to Panopto, go into your course folder, and click the share icon. You can do it for a folder or for a specific video.

 Sharing a folder        Sharing a lecture
Sharing a folder (left) and sharing a video (right)

This will bring up the sharing screen. Here are the different settings to choose from:

Sharing settings

  • Anyone with the link: This is the default setting. It’s like an unlisted phone number. We suggest you keep it this way unless you want your video to be found by those publicly accessing the site.
  • Specific people: This is if you only want certain people to view a video or folder. Nobody else will be able to view it. This is generally not recommended since it’s so restrictive.
  • Anyone at your organization with the link: It’s similar to the “unlisted” default setting, but it requires your intended audience to have a College of Nursing account. Don’t use if you want anyone outside the CON to view it.
  • Anyone at your organization: Anyone with a CON account who signs in can find and view your video. Again, don’t use it if you want anyone outside the CON to view it.
  • Public on the web: Anyone who gets on the site can find and view the video.

Copy the link

While on the sharing screen, copy the link, and then paste it where needed.

“Link” is a direct link to the video. Follow these instructions to add this link to your Modules page in Carmen.

“Embed” allows you to copy code that can be pasted on another page and make it appear the video is playing there instead of a new tab. Here is how to paste the embed code on a page in Carmen.