Master Gardener Volunteer Meeting
December 12, 2024
Opening and Pledge of Allegiance- President Pam Baytos opened the meeting and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Committee Reports
- Community Outreach – Thresea Harris and Lois Martin-Uscanowski: Thresea announced our Mill Creek Park Fellows Riverside Garden Christmas tree was decorated on December 4th. Thresea told us the tree turned out nice and thanked everyone for their help. The tree will be taken down on January 2, 2025, at 12:00 pm.
- Veterans – Al Leonhart, Mike Beaudis, and Chester Kaschak: Mike announced the Wreaths for Veterans Ceremony was held on December 7th. The ceremony was very nice, and the American Legion presented colors, did a 21-gun salute and played Taps. Carol Kirsch will be taking over the Wreaths for Veterans.
Administration Report
- HOC Help Day Wednesday December 18th from 9 am to 7 pm Last Effort: Kristen will be available to help any of us who need help with HOC. You may want to bring your own device but there will be iPads available, if needed. Your hours need to be put in by December 15th and all active members need to be recertified by December 31st. To recertify, you have to sign off on Child Abuse, Integrated Pest Management, and Standard of Behavior forms. We want to maintain our Platinum status, so we need all active MGVs to recertify.
- Time to trim your trees and shrubs! We need Greenery for 12/17 & 12/18 classes. We need pine, cedar, holly, boxwood and other greenery for our last Garden Art classes. You can bring in your greenery on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week. If the office is not open, you can leave it outside. This also counts as Volunteer hours.
Old Business.
- New Chair people – Starting in January: Pam introduced the Chairs and Co-chairs of the committees for next year.
- Bring One Take One (Exchange Only) – Bob and Marianna Eister
- Canfield Fair – Jim Zeleznik
- Community Outreach – Thresea Harris
- Education – Karen Gates and Stephanie Hughes
- Garden Workshop – Patty Kacenski and Jim Merva
- Hospitality – Natalie Fraser and Peg Zeleznik
- New and Active Pollinator Gardens – Marilyn McKinley and Gail Siembida
- OSU Extension Grounds – David Burnham and Paula Kohler
- Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague
- Recruitment and Retention – Marilyn McKinley and Kary Shively
- Veterans – Chester Kaschak, Carol Kirsch, and Al Leonhart
- Hours need to be completed and entered in to HOC by December 15
- Our Banquet will be January 9th – Please RSVP to the office by December 23
- State Dues of $15 will be due to the office by Friday January 31
New Business
- Garden Workshop Topics– Patty Kacenski and Jim Merva: Jim updated us on the plans for next year’s Garden Workshop. If you are interested in presenting a breakout session, notify Jim or Patty. The date of the workshop will be April 12th, and the title is “Gardening That Works for You”. Jim told us about the following plan for the workshop:
- One Saturday workshop only, not two consecutive Saturdays.
- We juggled the schedule a bit to add a third breakout session. Breakout sessions will be 45 minutes each.
- Registration is at 9 AM, but the Keynote session will start 15 minutes earlier at 9:30 AM.
- Besides the breakout presentations done by the MGVs, alternatively there will be AM and PM Garden Art sessions and a walkabout (weather permitting).
- A “save the date” will go out in January.
- A flyer will be ready in February.
- Committee members can sign up for volunteer duties in February.
- Non-committee members can sign up for volunteer duties in March.
- A Vindy article is already drafted but will not be finalized until the Keynote and Cap Note speakers are confirmed.
- Morning with the Master- Greeters needed. – Kristen announced we are going to start having Greeters for our Morning with the master’s classes. The Greeters will allow new MGVs to get experience in watching more experienced MGVs doing presentations. Two Greeters are needed to answer questions and give attendees packets on our upcoming programs, flyers and information on how to be an MGV. We may be able to start offering attendees drinks and snacks but are waiting on approval from the library.
- Recertify by December 31st.
- We enjoyed a Christmas gardening poem presented by Marilyn.
- After the meeting, Kristen presented lead an activity to reflect on ourselves and the MGV program as a whole.
- Adjournment – Next Meeting: Banquet January 9th!
- Reminders:
- Vindy Articles are needed! Still contact Eric.
- State Lunch and Learn started October 8
- HOC Help Day Wednesday, December 18th from 9 am to 7 pm
- Salem Public Library is interested in someone speaking on invasive plant in April or May. – Patty Kacenski and Kathy Martin
- Salem Historical Society- May 2025 Native Appalachia Plants. Contact Haley Shoemaker at 330-967-7249 or Stephanie Barkay
Submitted by Kathy Costa, Secretary