MGV Minutes- March 2022

MGV Meeting Minutes for March 10, 2022

Bob Eister opened the meeting and led the MGVs in the Pledge of Allegiance. He gave recognition to the MGVs with birthdays in March and the MGVs sang Happy Birthday.

Bob introduced the speaker Eileen Novotny for our continuing education program on Invasive Species.

Committee Reports:

Bring One Take One: Pinky Steffen told the MGVs the committee will have its first meeting in June.

Canfield Fair: Rhonda Harris reported they had met with the new MGV class to tell them about the Canfield Fair Committee.

Community Outreach: Community Outreach and Education Committees met at the end of February and discussed the subcommittees and contacts for each. (A copy is attached) Patty Kacenski reported on their plans for the Jr. Master Gardeners subcommittee. They will be planting peas on April 15th. They also have plans for hamburger plants and a scavenger hunt.

Education: Stephanie Barkay reported the education committee had an organizational meeting earlier tonight. The committee decided to continue having the education first before the meeting. If an MGV can’t attend the education, they could come later at 7:30 p.m. for the meeting. Ideas for field trips were discussed such as a trolley around Mill Creek Park or in Salem, organized by the Salem Historical Society.

Canfield will have a screen-free week for preschoolers and school-age children up to 10. They are looking for volunteers to walk around the park with the children and point out interesting things in the park to the children.

Garden Conference: Pam Baytos is collecting soup cans for the Garden Conference. The class size limit is 30. There is also a need for reed-type stems for the conference. Marianna Eister reminded the MGVs to sign up for the Garden Conference and we will need MGVs to help set up the day before the conference.

Hospitality: Natalie Fraser told us they need finger foods for the Garden Conference. If the MGV hasn’t taken the FCS Occasional Quality Cooks Training, the MGV can bring in purchased packaged foods that are unopened.

Plant and Pest Clinic: Dave Sprague is planning to schedule two refresher courses for the clinic. The refresher classes are scheduled for March 21st at 10:00 am and April 25th at 12:30 pm. The clinic starts on 4/4/22.

OSU Extension Grounds: Mike Beaudis is planning a work session Wednesday night, March 23rd. No mulching is needed.

Veterans: Mike told us the wreath-laying ceremony will be at Eckis cemetery again this year.

Administrative Report: Eric told us all the speakers are confirmed for the Garden Conference on April 30th and we still need one more for April 23rd. Eric encouraged the MGVs to write more Vindicator articles. Kristen inquired if there was interest in buying a table for the 4H auction on April 2nd.

New opportunities are available for a garden at the Boys/Girls Club. Also, the AHEPA senior center in Boardman would like help with starting an indoor herb garden.

Bob reminded MGVs to fill out and turn in the bio form and the form to identify our skills and specialty. The bio will be used for a pictorial directory highlighting each MGV. The skills and specialty form will help in identifying our strengths for requests made for volunteering opportunities.

All of the MGVs in training are assigned to a mentor.

There was a drawing for some maple syrup for all the MGVs that wore their name tag at the meeting. Val won the drawing. Carolyn Fankhauser donated the maple syrup to encourage all to wear their nametags.

Bob Eister adjourned the meeting at 8:20 pm.


CO and Ed Subcommittee Contacts as of March 2022

Community Outreach sub-committee contacts are as follows:

  • Local Flavor – Thresea Harris * 330-743-5875
  • Fellows Christmas Tree – Thresea Harris * 330-743-5875
  • Master Gardeners – Patty Kacenski * 330-806-0503
  • Smucker House – Marge Greenisen * 234-575-1380
  • Public Pollinator Gardens – Marilyn McKinley * 330-702-1519
  • City Scape – Kary Shively * 330-720-4240

The Education committee contacts are as follows:

  • Speaker’s Bureau – Stephanie Barkay *330-853-0376
  • Coffee Series – Peg Zeleznik *330-727-0754
  • Garden Art – Pam Baytos) *330-547-2126
  • Field Trips – Eileen Novotony *330-540-1986

Eileen will schedule and coordinate field trips to local gardens, related business and horticulture events.

  • Continuing Education Hours – Stephanie Barkay *330-853-0376


Note: Stephanie Barkay as VP is the designated contact to schedule the location of MGV meetings. She will consider administrative, speaker, education needs to determine if a proposed off-site meeting area is appropriate.

MGV Minutes- February 2022

MGV Meeting Minutes – February 10, 2022

Bob Eister, President, opened the MGV meeting. Al Leonhart led the MGVs in the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob announced the MGVs with birthdays in February. Marilyn McKinley stated they would be receiving birthday cards.

Bob introduced Stephanie Barkay as the speaker for this meeting. She presented continuing education on Integrated Pest Management, Part 1 for 1-hour credit to the MGV’s attending.

Kristen Eisenhauer reminded the MGVs about the new volunteer and educational requirements mandated for 2022:

  • 2 volunteer hours must come from Backyard and Local Flavor events,
  • 2 volunteer hours must come from Environmental Horticultural events,
  • 2 continuing education hours in Integrated Pest Management classes or presentations, (1 hour is credited for tonight’s presentation.) More classes are scheduled for presentation during the MGV meetings.
  • 2 continuing education hours in Invasive Species classes or presentations.

The committee reports were as follows:

Canfield Fair – Carolyn Fankhauser reported she presented information about this committee to the new MGV class.

Community Outreach – Kary Shively told us they will have a committee meeting next month. Patty Kacenski told us she needed metal stakes for an arch project.

Education – Stephanie Barkay reported their committee had its first meeting. The meeting was focused on organization of the Education committee.

Garden Conference – Marianna Eister told us the Garden Conference will be held on April 23rd and April 30th at the OSU Extension. If an MGV volunteers to assist with the conference for the day, the MGV will only need to pay $10 for lunch.  Attending the conference will cost $45 for all attendees. MGVs were encouraged to volunteer to help at the conference. Pam Baytos also told us there will be a Make and Take during the Garden Conference. MGVs were encouraged to think about ideas for crafts that they could make and the MGVs could sell at the Garden Conference. Stephanie Hughes said we need help and a signup sheet would be available. Eric is contacting and scheduling the speakers for this event.

Hospitality – Peg Zeleznik reported they have been making food for the new MGV class for a continental breakfast and lunch each class day. She encouraged MGVs, who have taken the FCS Occasional Quality Cooks Training, to help the committee members by bringing food for the new MGV class. Natalie Fraser also told us if an MGV wants to bring cookies to bring 3 dozen.

Plant and Pest Clinic – David Sprague told us he spoke to the new MGV class about the clinic. He is also planning to provide clinic training for MGVs wanting to volunteer in the clinic.

Veterans – Mike Beaudis reported he will hold a Grounds committee meeting when the weather improves. Wreaths for veterans will be held the 1st or 2nd Saturday in December at the same cemetery as last year.

Kristen reported for the Office Administration that she will be ordering new name tags and asked if any MGV needed a new name tag to notify her. Kristen told us most of the MGVs have re-certified. She mentioned that we have done well in having the majority of the MGVs re-certified. Kristen asked MGVs to fill out a form giving Bio information about ourselves and have a picture on file at the office.

Kristen said the new MGV trainees will be given access to a bio with our picture to get to know us. We will also be able to access a bio and picture of the new MGV trainees. Kristen also told us she had a signup form for the MGVs to volunteer to help with the Garden Conference.

Kristen told us there are 18 new MGV trainees in the new class and one person was doing the class completely online as an OSU trial. The online trial class will be evaluated to see if it can be continued.

Kristen also provided a COVID Safety summary stating at this time masks are not mandatory in the OSU Extension office, but that could change at any time. The extension has 3 air purifiers in operation.

Kristen told us about the 4H Endowment fundraiser for the future. It was decided the MGVs will contribute a basket for the fundraiser and MGVs who wish to contribute should bring items at the next meeting to be included in the gift basket.

Bob Eister reminded the MGVs that 75% of our questions and issues can be resolved by calling the appropriate committee chairman or an experienced MGV officer instead of calling the office to get help. This will save time for the already overworked extension office staff. Bob told us he will have a meeting with all the committee chairmen on February 24th to discuss the new committees’ objectives and structure. We may need to add subcommittees.

Bob encouraged all MGVs to utilize their skills and develop knowledge to strengthen our MGV program.  We are obligated to share knowledge with others. Bob asked us to fill out a Specialty Topics form by circling our skills areas and topics of interest. This information will be compiled and shared with committee chairpersons to get help for programs and events. Bob also told us the Executive Team met and discussed ways to increase the presence and publicity in Columbiana County. We will also have new and continuing opportunities in the Youngstown area.

Marilyn informed us of 2 groups who need speakers. The 1st is on March 9th and the presentation requested is on houseplants. The 2nd is on April 13th and the presentation requested is on drying flowers for decorations. For presentations, the presenter should have at least one fact sheet and source for the information. We cannot charge a set fee for any outside speaking engagements, but can accept donations for the OSU MGV program if the sponsor chooses to do so. The donation check will go directly to the extension office.

Bob indicated that the MGVs should go into breakout sessions for this evening’s discussion.

We were to separate and go participate in our choice of Education, Community Service and participation in the Spring Conference.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Secretary – Kathy Kosta