MGV Minutes for September 14, 2023

I. Opening and Pledge of Allegiance: President Bob Eister led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence followed in remembrance of 911. Master Gardeners that were former law enforcement officers, corrections or served in law and those who served as 1st responders were asked to stand as they were recognized for their service.
  A. Secretary Recording – Kathy C & Marie B
  B. Committee Chairperson Reports
   1. Canfield Fair Review– Jim Zeleznik thanked all those involved in making our MGV display at the fair creative and informative. He also thanked all those that helped by working at our exhibit to make it a huge success.
  2. Bring One Take One – Kristen & Eric – Bob
Bob E. reviewed the BOTO event that took place August 12th. The plant and treasure sale took place from 9 am to 12 pm. The plant exchange bell rang at 10 am with good participation. He thanked MGVs for their donated plants as most were sold. The garden art was amazing. Feedback by the public said it was a positive, fun experience for all those that participated. Kristen announced that $808 was reported for sales at this event and will be used to support the MGV banquet.
3. Community Outreach –Thresea Harris & Lois Martin-Uscanowski- Lois thanked all MGVs that attended the Veggie and More Tours this summer. She said that the last one at Glenda House’s home was wonderful. Glenda’s gardens are a must see if you missed the tour this year at her place. Thresea left a note with the office stating that the Christmas Tree is going on this year, but she would not have more information until the next meeting. No theme has been decided yet.
4. Hospitality – Peg Zeleznik and Natalie Fraser – Desserts are requested for the upcoming Sept.27 Open House and Oct. 10th Morning with the Masters events. A sign-up sheet was passed around. Let them know if you can help and were not present at the meeting.
5. County Coordinator –Pam Baytos- Please let Pam know if you have any ideas or videos to post on the state website that show our events and committee activities. Pam thought we could display the awards we have received at our open house. Marilyn McKinley volunteered to help Pam with this display.
6. Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al L, Chester K & Mike B-
Mike thanked all involved with their help in keeping the OSU Extension grounds looking good especially for the commissioners’ meeting and fair. He also thanked John Schoeni for repairing a bench. Mike said our Veteran Wreath event on Sat. Dec, 2 at 10am will be at the Canfield Cemetery on Rt 224. We do have the necessary funds now for the wreaths. Al Leonhart announced and thanked all those that helped with the grounds around the Log Cabin at the fairgrounds. Daffodils will be planted in late October.

II. MGV Officers New Business
A. R&R MGV Planning meeting for the next Open House will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 20th at 7:30 pm.
The initial 2023 September R&R MGV Open House will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm.
R&R OH Duty Signup Sheet – Bob requested volunteers for each of the positions for the Open House. See the attachment Event Plan for MGV Open House. All the volunteers for the Open House were invited to attend the next R&R committee meeting on September 20 at 7:30 pm. During the meeting we reviewed the video that will be shown in an endless loop during the open house. If anyone has additional pictures to add to the video, contact Peg G.
B. Ed Kits and PowerPoint training – Kristen asked us to let her know our educational needs for the powerpoint presentation that is being developed for the MGVs. She asked us to put the information on a piece of paper and put them in a box for our suggestions.

III. OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen
A. MGV Apparel arrived at the OSU Extension Office – Kristen asked us to take home any apparel or other items with our name on it.
B. Speaking opportunities
1. The Gasser Chair Company are very interested in our assistance to start a community garden possibly with raised beds.
2. Fellows Riverside requested a fall presentation in October.
3. A church in Youngstown requested education in May of 2024 on planting and growing. Stephanie H volunteered.
C. Kristen said she will be doing HOC training in December. Please continue to update your hours in the system in a timely manner.
She also asked us to write down questions that we had before, during or as interns of the MGV training to help in developing a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ). These will be compiled into a FAQ handout.

IV. Adjournment

The initial 2023 September R&R MGV Open House will be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm.

Minutes submitted by Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa