MGV Minutes for July 13, 2023

MGV Meeting Minutes July 13, 2023

The July 13th MGV Meeting was held at the lovely home of Bill and Stephanie Hughes, in Rootstown.  A big thank you from all the MGVs for opening their home to us and for the delicious food as well!

I.          Opening and Pledge of Allegiance Bob Eister, President, opened the meeting and Stephanie Hughes led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Marilyn McKinley read an inspirational gardener’s prayer for all.

a.   Secretary Recording – Kathy Costa and Marie Belfast

b.   Committee Chairperson Reports

i.      Bring One Take One – Kristen & Eric (not present) – Bob announced that set-up for the BOTO event will be from 8 am-12pm on Aug.11 at the Extension Office. There are several different areas in need of volunteers both inside and outside on the day of the event Aug 12 from 8-12pm. There will be a clinic table and a plant I.D. table, as well as sales for plants, garden art, and tools. Donated plants for this event may be brought to the clinic the night of our next MGV meeting on Aug.10, or on Friday, Aug. 11. A sign-up sheet was passed around listing the various areas needing volunteers. Call the office if you would like to help for this event.

ii.    Canfield Fair – Jim Zeleznik announced that he will be talking to committee members within the upcoming week to review plans for the fair. The theme of our display is “Sensory Gardens”. Bob announced we are staffing another fair booth at the Columbiana Co Fair too. See reminders at the end of this document for details.

iii.   Community Outreach –Thresea Harris & Lois Martin-Uscanowski- Thresea spoke to us about the recent Veggies and More garden tours on Monday nights. Several MGVs have attended as well as many others from the local community. Lois reminded us that the next tour is scheduled for July 17th at the South Side Gardens on Williamson Ave at 6pm. Also, she invited us to the 11th annual Butterfly Carnival at this same site on Sat. July 15th. Lois also mentioned that she will provide info on an upcoming City Scape plant sale.

i.      Education – Stephanie Barkay & Marge Greenisen- Stephanie said that Marg asked to have a Zoom meeting to review the kits available for MGV use. She is contacting Kristen to set up the Zoom meeting.

ii.     Hospitality – Natalie Fraser & Peg Zeleznik – Everything is going well and the next event scheduled is a Coffee with the Masters. Please remember to provide food if you volunteered for an event and thank you for supporting these events.

iii.   OSU Extension Grounds – Mike Beaudis & Paula Kohler – Mike said they had a clean-up on Wednesday night and only 3 ladies came to help him. More volunteer commitment is needed to help with grounds. Lots of weeds were pulled and more mulch is needed now. Mike will check with Eric to seek a resolution and see if a local company will deliver mulch without charging a fee.

iv.   Veterans (Building and Wreaths) – Al Leonhart, Chester Kaschak & Mike Beaudis – Mike announced that the Wreaths for Veterans event is scheduled for Dec. 2nd at the Canfield Village Cemetery on Rt 224. Mike has found there are a lot more than 100 wreaths needed (more like 255) and our budget money amount is $1,027. Two private parties have come forward to donate funds that are needed to cover the extra cost of the wreaths. Mike is asking for more volunteers to attend and help place wreaths on the graves in December. He is also asking for assistance with transportation.

v.    Pollinator Gardens – Gail Siembida & Marilyn McKinley – Marilyn thanked all involved in getting the Columbiana Gardens ready for Denise’s visit. It looked great!

vi.   Carolyn Fankhauser said that a library is being made available in the office and there is plenty of room for books that we can sign out. The library will only be open when the office is open and no other events are taking place.

II.        MGV Officers New Items

a.     Recruitment and Retention Committee Report -Bob Eister & Peggy Griffith

The committee decided to have 3 open houses every year.

May (after the Spring Workshop)

September (after the Canfield Fair)

January (before the next MGV training)

An upcoming R&R committee meeting will take place on Zoom on July 26 at 6:30pm to discuss recruitment and retention ideas. Let Bob know if you are/are not interested in being on this committee. The initial 2023 September MGV Open House be held at our OSU Extension office on Wednesday, September 27th from 3-5 pm. Bob asked for assistance to advertise for these events.

III.      OSU Administrative Report – Eric & Kristen (not present)

a.   Required Hours- Bob reminded us to enter our required hours in a timely manner. He informed us that those with concerns about entering hours should contact the office. Bob reminded us only OSU staff can make the final determination on getting credit hours for working on approved projects and work assignments.

b.   Kristen will be holding a HOC help Day on August 1st from 9 am to 6 pm at the Extension Office. There is no formal program, just drop by and ask your questions/enter your hours. We will have iPads, or you can bring your own device.

IV.       Adjournment


1.       NEW this year! Bob announced that we were setting up a booth at another fair. A sign-up sheet for a staffing slot at the Columbiana County Fair MGV booth was passed around. Call the office to obtain a slot if you wish to work during this fair. Fair schedule 11 am to 7 pm August 2nd through 6th.
2.      A sign-up sheet for a staffing slot at the BOTO event was passed around. Call the office to obtain a slot if you wish to work. Please work with our leaders and sign up for a slot so they can plan accordingly. Many hands working together can accomplish much. We do appreciate your cooperation and assistance.
  • Recent updates:
  • OSU Extension Grounds – The mulch is taken care of and arriving this Friday.
  • The MGV Library – The library is only available when the office is open, and no other programs are taking place.

Please review the below listed R&R committee roster. Please contact Bob via email to add or remove names if no longer interested in participation. As of 7-14-2023, the following are listed as members.

Barbara Copeland                                                       Marie Belfast

Ryan Emmet-Luchansky                                            Kathy Costa

Bob Ferguson                                                              Bob Eister

Diane Leonard                                                            Pam Baytos

Pat Murphy                                                                 Barb Kostellic

Donna Nord                                                                Marianna Eister

Susan Nutter                                                               Marilyn McKinley

Beth Sanders                                                               Stephanie Barkay

Mariann Mannion                                                       Jim Merva

David Sprague                                                            Kathy Emptage

Lois Martin-Uscianowski                                         Joann Kaschak

Peggy Griffith                                                             Lisa Hildebrand-Kennedy

Al Leonhart                                                                 Marge Greenisen

Diana Holzer                                                               Valeria Goncalves

 We are looking for R&R team leaders to assist in coordinating our efforts to recruit and retain more of our interns and volunteers. Thank you for your interest.

Submitted by Marie Belfast & Kathy Costa