MGV Minutes for August 11, 2022

MGV Meeting Minutes for August 11,2022

Bob Eister, President, opened the meeting at 6:30 pm. Bob Eister and Veteran Volunteer Al Leonard led the Master Gardener Volunteers in the Pledge of Allegiance. Those having August birthdays were recognized and “Happy Birthday” was sung to them. Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa were present as recording Secretaries.

Committee Reports

Bring One Take One – Pinky Steffen went over the assignments for the Bring One Take One event scheduled for August 20. Next Wednesday, the tables will be arranged and Pinky reviewed the plan. A press release went to the local papers. The signage used last year will be reposted. Tom, Rhonda and Stephanie will assist with drop off of plants and parking. OSU Extension should have enough parking spaces, but if needed overflow will be at Canfield Fairgrounds. MGVs assigned will ID plants brought in and check in at the tables. Plant check-in will start at 9:00am and will be done by 10:30 am. The extension has 2 wagons to use for the plants. Twice loved plants, along with gardening tools, crafts and books will be for sale in the extension office from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Diana and Debbie will be in the sale area. David, Bob and Marianna will take the money for the sale items. Customers will exit through the back door.

Canfield Fair – Carolyn F and Rhonda H told us they need lavender and water lilies for the fair display. Also, sunflowers are needed. Rhonda reminded us we need more MGVs to sign up for the fair. Rhonda and Carolyn told us they can use lavender and sunflowers cut and potted. Candace will have tickets and parking passes for the MGVs, who have signed up for the fair. You can pick up parking and ticket packets when you bring in items for the BOTO starting August 17th.

Community Outreach- Kary S told us Jr. Master Gardeners have not met. Marilyn McKinney told us the Columbiana County Commissioners received money for another pollinator garden. She also said that the Salem garden needs more help. The last “Veggies and More Tour” is Aug.15 at St. Patrick’s 1400 Oakhill Ave. The Good Nature Harvest Party is right before the Veggies and More Tour.

Education-Stephanie Hughes volunteered to be a speaker at the Boardman Public Library at an upcoming event.

Veterans- Al Leonhart announced that they will plant mums in the area next to the Log Cabin at the Fairgrounds. Mike Beaudis announced that the Wreaths for Veterans is on Dec.3 at 10am. Volunteers need to be there at Ekis Cemetery 9am.

Administrative Report- Kristen thanked all involved in helping with the pollinator garden in Columbiana. There has been progress at the Smucker House, too. The bio and pictures of all MGVs is almost complete, however, we still need a few bios and photos. If you have questions on about what counts for hours, please send them to Kristen at and she will help you. She is making no promises that she will get back with you before Canfield Fair.

Marilyn McKinley stated that we still need bios for the monthly newsletter. Please send these to Marilyn McKinley as soon as possible. She can help you if you have questions on the bios.

Bob E. hopes we are enjoying the monthly newsletter articles and asked if anyone had suggestions for the newsletter.

Business and Discussion

Pam Baytos will be presenting a workshop on making a bird feeding wreath. She brought a lovely wreath to show all. She needs dried coneflowers and other seeds/plants that birds eat.


Thresea Harris announced that she hasn’t heard anything from the person in charge of the  Christmas tree display at Fellows Riverside Gardens. OSU shirts were ordered, but have not arrived yet. We were reminded to please wear our nametags when working at the Canfield Fair. Volunteer hours need to be recorded into the system. Please do not wait until the end of the year to enter your hours. After the fair Kristen will have another class to help anyone having trouble entering volunteer hours. Bob asked if any of the new MGV interns were having difficulty finding opportunities to fulfill hours. After the meeting was adjourned Stephanie Barkay introduced our guest speaker, Kristen Eisenhauer. Kristen gave a great presentation on “Honey Harvest” in which she spoke of her interest in honey bees and honey collection from a very young age. Her family involvement has led to their “Sticky Goodness” honey business!

Please note*** The September 8th meeting will be 6:30 at Smucker House in Salem as a covered dish.  There is electricity for crock pots and running water.

Submitted by Secretaries: Marie Belfast and Kathy Costa

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