MGV Minutes – March 2021

Minutes of MGV Meeting March 11, 2021

Carol Smith called the meeting to order and led the 29 members present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kristen Eisenhauer Announcements:

  • She will be sending an email with a link to one more virtual 1.50 training (child protection) on March 22.
  • A link will be sent to the next social chat, also on March 22.
  • An updated calendar listing up-coming zoom classes will be sent. Classes are now scheduled into June. There has been much favorable response to the classes already presented.
  • Kathy King is retiring April 8 and will be missed.
  • Doris Puerner is in nursing care.
  • There is currently no update on the new system being developed to record volunteer/education hours.

Clinic David Sprague:

  • There were 10 questions today, March 11.
  • The number of soil samples is increasing with 15-20 waiting to be processed. Without Kathy King, the MGVs will need to step in and process them.
  • Eric is applying for an exemption occupancy number for the new back room so the clinic can open on-site.

Local Flavor Thresa Harris:

  • She is waiting for OSU to give the go-ahead.
  • Eric is in the process of applying for the necessary exemptions for both Local Flavor and Jr. Master Gardeners.

Jr. Master Gardeners Kary Shively:

  • Nothing to report.
  • There was no response to the article about the program published in the Vindicator.
  • Lori thanked everyone for volunteering to count milkweed seed to be distributed as part of Kary’s program on monarch butterflies.

Grounds Mike Beaudis:

  • An exemption for the grounds committee should be approved March 12.
  • Eric will meet with Mike to discuss moving several hydrangeas.
  • Eric will review pruning with the committee.

Garden Art:

  • Pam’s various presentations were very well received.

State Awards Marilyn McKinley:

  • The State Conference will again be virtual in mid-October. There will be a discussion on just what to award due to so many changes because of the pandemic.
  • The number of hours, both volunteer and education, were summarized for 2020 as well as the number of active and intern MGVs.
  • Marilyn viewed the hybrid training presented by Athens County and though it was done well.

Canfield Fair Eric Barrett:

  • The governor announced that those comfortable attending may do so which would include those MGVs volunteering with our display.

BOTO Merabeth Steffen:

  • Nothing to report.


  • Rhonda Harris questioned how those with an expired food safety certificate can renew. Lori will send out the link.


  • Eric needs volunteers to help with registration at the pruning clinic scheduled at Whitehouse Farms March 14. The clinic will be divided into 2 sessions if necessary; 12 – 1:30 and 2 – 3:30.
  • A clinic will also be held at St. Pats.
  • Thresa Harris asked if any of the older MGVs had been contacted. Eric responded yes, in one way or another.

Members were divided into breakout rooms and asked to discuss topics for future presentations.

Meeting was adjourned.