MGV Minutes – September 10, 2020

Minutes MGV Meeting September 10 2020

  • The September meeting of the of the Master Gardener Volunteers took place via Zoom hosted by Kristen Eisenhower and Lori Moff presided by Carol Smith.  David started the meeting by leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • New Business : Pam will be out for awhile due to husband’s surgery.  Kristen is still looking for presenters from now till the end of the year. All dates are open. 70 seed packets were given out downtown and at the office. Lori and Kristen have been working on the end of the year Recognition Banquet.
  • David said they had 17 questions in the virtual clinic today. They have served over 220 people so far this season.
  • Kristen said that Carol has the Coffee Series Presentation for the September entitled “Herbal Teas.” September 21st at 10:00am.  Eric said we will be doing a holiday container program the first week of December.
  • Eric has had a steady stream of articles for the Vindicator Valley Grows  Section of the newspaper and needs articles that are more fall related.  If you do not have pictures for your articles, Eric has a library of pictures you can use. If you do have pictures send them as separate attachments with you article.  The Valley Grows articles appear in Vindicator and the Tribune which explains the increase activity in the Plant and Pest Clinic.
  • Theresa commented on Local Flavor: The gardens went ok this year despite the pandemic.  The Good Nature Garden Partners went very well, thanks in part to Kristen who also put the results on line for all to see.
  • Kary reported that the Junior Master Gardeners had a lot of fun this year and are beginning to wind down with some clean up to do in the next couple of weeks.
  • Kristen said that Mike has ordered the wreaths for the Wreaths for Veterans Program. The event will be held December 12th at the Lake Milton Cemetery off of Grandview.
  • Marilyn reported on the State Awards: The state conference will be held on line October 22nd and 23rd this year. Registration will be the last week in September and will cost $40. Mahoning county has been doing more in the way of master gardening than most counties in Ohio. She is also trying to get us into the Lisbon and Salem newspapers. A suggestion was made of a give away contest to be offered as an incentive to get more people to attend virtual master gardener meetings. Some counties are doing Zoom Chats, where as someone hosts a Zoom meeting and members call in and chat about anything in order to stay in touch and share ideas.  Marylin volunteered to host the first Zoom Chat.  Jennifer Andon has filled Dennis Johnson’s position (after her retirement) as Master Gardener Volunteer State Program Coordinator.
  • Lil suggested that since we are presently doing a virtual clinic why can’t we continue the clinic through the winter. We could have it live from April 1st to October 31st, then November 1st till March 31st we could be a virtual clinic. Eric thought it to be a good idea. The virtual clinic runs now on Thursdays from 10:00am till 12:00 noon. To get on, go to our website where there is a zoom link, click  on the link and join in to talk to a master gardener. You can also call in and ask your question, where as a form will be filled out and given to a master gardener.
  • Carol thanked Kristen and Lori for all there help with her presentation on Ecuador.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM next meeting October 8th at 6:30 PM

Rick Patterson, Secretary MGV

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