MGV Minutes – May 14, 2020

Master Gardener Volunteers Meeting Minutes May 14, 2020, Mahoning County

• The May Master Gardener Volunteer virtual meeting took place via Zoom hosted by
Lori Moff. Eric addressed the group by saying we are moving forward as much as we
can with the current restrictions on social distancing. We will have no in person
classes until after July 6.

• Drop off clinic questions and soil samples are being accepted at the Extension Office
by the back door of the office. This is a no-contact opportunity for soil testing.

• Co Presidents Carol Smith and Pam Baytos started the business portion of the
meeting by asking for reports on the various committee work.

• David Sprague reported on the Pest and Plant Clinic: We have had (2) virtual
sessions so far. The clinic is now open on Thursdays from 10am to 12:00 noon on
Zoom. It can be accessed at.

• Peg Zeleznik reported on Hospitality and Garden Art: Some committee people are
continuing to produce garden art for sale when the Seminar does take place.

• Pam reported on the Canfield Fair: The Governor of Ohio says he hopes the County
Fair Associations we will find a way to run there Junior Fairs in Ohio. Eric
commented that we will wait till we hear from the Governor and fair after June 1.

• Pinky Steffen reported on Bring one Take One: She said it is scheduled in
September at the Extension office. Eric said if we can social distance and plan it in a
manner to keep people apart we can definitely do something, with limits on attendance.

• Marilyn McKinley reported on State Awards: Eric commented that we can take what
we have from David at the clinic and resubmit it. Lill asked if we can put people up for
some of these awards. Marilyn said this is for 2019. Eric said that submissions are
due on the 30th of this month.

• Theresa Harris reported on Local Flavor: Everything is on hold till July 6th. Eric
commented that Kristen put in an exemption form for dropping off plants, seeds and
information. Kristen commented that they will try something educationally taking it
virtually until we can meet in person. Theresa said she does not know anything about
the theme for the Christmas tree until August 31st.

• Eric said we are a go for getting back the Valley Grows Vindicator Page. We will be
looking for articles of about 450 words. Details will be confirmed in the next 2 weeks.

• Lori commented on Recognition Banquet: The date for it is December 3rd. The
banquet will be at the office, call Lori at if you want to volunteer to help.

• Stephanie Barkay volunteered to do a virtual Zoom presentation on Container
Gardening for the Columbiana Public Library on June 25th or July 16 at 2:00:pm

• Katy Shively commented on Junior Master Gardeners : They did terrariums in early
March and have been in communication with their parents since then.

• Mike Beaudis commented on OSU Extension office grounds: Eric has submitted an exemption request in order to get
approval to have multiple people work outside at the Extension Office.

• Mike also commented on Wreaths Across America: It will take place at the Vaughn
Cemetery in Lake Milton. The wreaths will be purchased at Tractor Supply.

• Pam and Eric talked about growing an extra row in your garden and donate it to the
local food bank. Need to get an approximate weight and let the office know who you
donated to and what you donated.

• Eric suggested several topics for the Valley Grows Vindicator Articles: Garden Art,
Growing Fruits and Vegetables, Gardening 101, Clinic Questions. Send a message to
Eric of your topic so as not to cause duplications.

• Stories of what MGVs are doing during this time: Marie started plants from seeds and
built a raised bed garden. Marilyn suggested a home garden drive by
tour. Patty showed all of her plants she started indoor under full spectrum grow lights
that are ready to be planted outdoors. Eric said there will be no more frost this year
according to the state level climatologist. Soil temperature will however be the
biggest challenge. Peggy signed up for the Ohio Bee Survey. Eric will send out
information on the Spotted Lantern Fly. Bessie commented on Liberty Township in
Bloom, showing her latest art project. Carolyn has been monitoring blue bird houses.
Danita went to an interesting oak wilt webinar by Davey Tree. Eric suggested going
to for information on the Asian Hornet ( Murder Hornet ).

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm , next meeting Thursday June 11th

Rick Patterson Secretary MGV