Adams County Junior Fair Royalty Applications Available

Adams County Junior Fair is calling on all member ages 16-18 to apply for the Adams County Junior Fair Queen & King Contest. Individuals interested must be an active member of a Junior Fair Organization such as: 4-H, FFA, FCCLA, Scouts, or SkillsUSA. Applications are available on the website ( or by visiting the Extension Office.

Applicants will participate in an interview on June 30. After the interview participates will be called back to participate in a public onstage event. Following the onstage interview, the top five candidates for Queen and King will be announced in no particular order. These candidates will ride in the fair’s opening day parade. At the conclusion of the parade the top 5 candidates for Queen & King will participate in an onstage interview and the King and Queen will be crowned.

You may wonder why you should apply for fair Queen or King.  If selected as the Adams County Junior Fair Queen or King, you will hold one of the highest honors a junior fair participant is able to hold. You will participate in an experience not many before you have done and for years to come you will be remembered as the 2022 Adams County Junior Fair Queen or King. During the fair you will serve as a role model to those around you, especially younger junior fair members who want to be just like you when they grow up. After fair you will continue to serve as this role model and go on to do many things during your reign. As Queen or King, you are encouraged to branch out and visit other fairs to see what junior fairs do differently and represent the Adams County Fair. You will make memories and connections for a lifetime.

If you are interested in running for Queen or King applications are due to the Extension office no later than Friday, June 24th at 4 p.m. No late submissions will be accepted. If you have questions, please contact Kristy at

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