On Wednesday, March 25, 2015, students from Ohio State’s regional campuses and ATI visited Columbus as part of Regional Campus Transition Day. This event is organized by the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Our department had two students, Scott McDermott and Mary Siekman, serve on the student panel for all visiting students.
In the afternoon, students were separated into smaller groups based on their major. During our time with these students, five current students who have made the transition in the past talked to them about their likes and dislikes of Columbus. Students were able to ask questions and have current students answer honestly. Questions about student life, Greek life, housing, meal plans, and courses were asked. After the panel, students were met with their future academic advisors to ask specific questions about scheduling and major courses.
After the Department Meetings, students were given a sweet treat before leaving campus and heading home to their respective campuses.
For additional information on transitioning from a regional campus or ATI to the Columbus campus, please contact Emily Wickham at wickham.24@osu.edu.