Tami Combs successfully completed her Master’s Examination in early June. Her project, Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen 2.0, focused on online learning.
Graham Cochran, interim Department Chair for Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership and member of Combs’ graduate committee said “Tami’s work with the Dining with Diabetes team in OSU Extension will be valuable for Ohio and nationally as we continue to expand and enhance the online footprint for Extension teaching.”
Below, Combs shares about her project,
For my project Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen 2.0 I worked with the original Dinning with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen Moodle team to make updates and give a facelift to the original course. The Dinning with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen team included: Daniel Remley Ph.D.; Cheryl Spires R.D., L.D., M.F.C.S.; Jamie Seger; Susan Zies M.S.; and Barbara Hennard M.A. For the project I researched and developed an evaluation tool specific to the non-formal, knowledge-based education courses that Extension teaches online such as Dinning with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen. I used this tool to evaluate four Moodle courses, including the Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen course. From the evaluations, I developed a set of recommendations for improvement to the course. Last, I made updates to the course which included: (1) a complete restructure of the welcome unit including the addition of course goals and updating the welcome email, (2) reorganization of each unit to fit the 4 “A” model (3) improvements to the course aesthetics by deleting and moving course content and making the units collapsible and (4) creating new login instructions with recorded video instructions.
Combs is an employee for Ohio State Extension in Highland County and completed the Distance Learning program in agricultural and extension education. She will graduate in August with her master of science degree, along with a minor in educational technology.
Congratulations Tami!

Tami is pictured with her family, daughter Mercy (2), son Shannon (5) and husband James.