Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Earl “Doc” Kantner, ’50, ’56 M.S., ’65 Ph.D.

Dr. Earl Kantner is a three time graduate of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership. He came to Ohio State from Wapakoneta, Ohio with a goal of becoming an agricultural educator in 1946. He accomplished that goal when he spent eight years in agricultural classrooms and later achieved a career long dream of becoming the director of the Ohio FFA Association. Dr. Kantner is now retired and resides in Canal Winchester, Ohio.

[ACEL]: Hello Dr. Kantner! Share with us why you decided to attend The Ohio State University and major in agricultural education.
[Kantner]: Growing up on a good livestock and crop family farm gave me a strong base for a career in the agricultural industry. I had a strong interest in my high school agricultural classes, leading me to a defining decision to pursue a career as an agricultural teacher. I never wavered from that early decision, which led me to a dream lifetime career. My choice for a college  major was thus an easy one—College of Agriculture (now CFAES), Department of Agricultural Education (now ACEL), at The Ohio State University!!

I wanted to attend an agricultural college in the Midwest. I considered Iowa State, Purdue, Kentucky and of course Ohio State! The decision soon emerged as an easy choice!! It was my home state university– Ohio State! (I have always been a loyal Buckeye). Ohio State had a top reputation as did the agricultural college and the agricultural education department. How could I possibly go wrong- Ohio State was my choice!

How did your education at Ohio State influence your career or career path?
The entire faculty of my major department – the Department of Agricultural Education, (especially Dr. Ralph Bender, department chairman) were very supportive of me and my career progress. They were very thorough, checking my course work, my work ethic and my specific progress.

The coursework went well. I was, and still am… well satisfied. Overall, the education I received at Ohio State motivated me to reach my career long goal of becoming a teacher.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
I always put academic achievement first in my university life. I was able to accomplish this while being somewhat active in extracurricular activities.

  • Alpha Zeta Fraternity
  • Several Honorary Fraternities
  • TAES (Townshend Ag-Ed Society) Member
  • Feature writer, College Magazine
  • Grange Club Membership

This routine resulted in a good balance for me. I was, and am, well pleased.

What classes did you enjoy the most at Ohio State?
The courses relating to my major (agricultural education) were my most enjoyable, since they related specifically to my future teaching career. I also enjoyed guidance, statistics, and research courses. They were difficult, but satisfying and would be useful in life and my career.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education or career?
Dr. Ralph Bender was the Ohio State professor that made the greatest impact on me throughout my college experience. he was chairman of the agricultural education department at Ohio State and was well known and highly respected throughout Ohio, nationally and internationally.

Dr. Bender chose to be my personal graduate school advisor, guiding me through my master’s degree and my doctoral program. It was Dr. Bender who urged me to pursue a doctorate degree, leading to higher career achievement.

I was and will be, eternally grateful to Dr. Ralph E. Bender for his personal care guidance and support of me in my career (and life) preparation.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
I always enjoyed “learning” and my time at Ohio State was certainly no exception. It is nearly impossible to pick a favorite memory from the many, but I believe the classroom routine- the class- information and classmate comradery would be favorite memories. Fraternity life (Alpha Zeta) would be like wise be a strong favorite memory!!

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
I’ll never forget– my first job following graduation from Ohio State was teaching— fulfillment of my high school dream of becoming a teacher.

Immediately after graduation, I and other graduates applied for an agricultural teaching position at Ansonia High School, located in Western Ohio’s Darke County– A strong agricultural area. After personal interviews and a long (2 week) wait I received a personal phone call from the school superintendent that I was their choice to fill their open position. I was highly delighted — I accepted!!!

Share with us the different positions you held throughout your career.
My first teaching experience was at Ansonia High School in far western Ohio’s Darke County…a strong agricultural area. After two good years, I was offered a teaching position at Wauseon High School in far northwest Ohio , a larger school, teaching agricultural classes and training Ohio State student teachers assigned by Ohio State.

After six great years at Wauseon, I was offered (and eagerly accepted) an appointment on the faculty of the Department of Agricultural Education at The Ohio State University. Duties at Ohio State included involvement in normal staff operations and especially operating the “southeast teacher training center…a typical high school setting for Ohio State’s teacher training program. It was a great position I kept for six years.

In 1963 I was offered, and accepted, a position of assistant state director of the Ohio Agricultural Education Service with the Ohio Department of Education. This was the program that oversaw the agricultural teaching programs in 350 Ohio high schools.

In addition to regular administrative state department operations, I was high excited to be appointed as director of the Ohio FFA Association – ironically my career long “dream job.” With great joy and appreciation, I accepted.

What honors and awards have you been presented throughout your career?
A number of companies, businesses and organizations and others presented plaques, certificates and other honors for my 44 years of dedication to Ohio youth preparing for careers in the agricultural industry through agricultural education and FFA.

Some of the honors are:
National Level

  • Distinguished Service Award, National Association of Agricultural Educators
    Distinguished Service Citation, National Vocational Education Service
    National FFA VIP Award

State Level:

  • The Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame
  • The Ohio Farm Bureau Distinguished Service Award
  • Honorary Director of Agriculture
  • Ohio State Silver Anniversary Award
  • Ohio FFA Distinguished Service Award
  • Ohio FFA VIP Award

Local level:

  • Numbers retirement and meetings letters of appreciation

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
My appointment to the Department of Education, which included the position of director of the Ohio FFA Association was clearly my favorite career highlight.

While I fully enjoyed administrative duties of being assistant state supervisor of the Agricultural Education Service, working with teen age young people in FFA was my “piece of the cake.” I truly loved the sky-high inspiring activities that occurred on a daily basis.

I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to serve young people preparing for careers in the agricultural industry through the agricultural education and FFA programs.

What advice would you give to a current student?
My single advice to a current student would be – take the HIGH ROAD – for your life journey!!

PLANNING is a key – “give strong consideration to what you want your life to be like. Don’t…DO NOT…just “develop by chance.”

My several top specific suggestions for growing into a good life would be:

  • Choose a “dream career” – one you would truly love!!
  • Have a firm religious faith
  • be a strong family person
  • be careful – chose a perfect life-mate
  • be enthusiastic, friendly and caring
  • work hard – “enjoy your work!!”

A summation – plan ahead, take the high road, work diligently and – enjoy life!

A final “inspiration and guide” – a specific part of the legendary #1 New York state musical – The Sound of Music – is a tremendous inspiration and guide for life:

“Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Following every rainbow
Til you reach….your dream!!”

This was a major inspiration for me…and is sure to be for all – especially students.

What did ACEL mean to you?
ACEL was a true “guide” to me all through my eight years of student at Ohio State. It was “home base” – the place I went for information of any kind – registration, direction, suggestion, friendship, and especially important – inspiration!

The entire faculty was truly “warm and friendly” and supportive in every way. Dr. Ralph Bender, chairman of the department, was usually the first to look up from his busy desk and greet his students.

ACEL was truly valuable to me – inspiring and guiding me through my college life and into my “dream” career.


Earl Kantner enters World War II in 1944.


Earl Kantner studies at the Alpha Zeta Fraternity House at Ohio State in 1948.


Dr. Earl Kantner appointed to the Ohio Department of Education and Director of the Ohio FFA Association.


Earl Kantner reitres January 1, 1984 after 44 years of dedication to Ohio FFA Youth.


US Army Sgt Earl Kantner heads VFW Post in 2002.

Alumni Spotlight: John Poulson ’87

John Poulson is an agricultural educator at the Pettisville Local Schools. He graduated from Ohio State in 1987 with a master’s degree in agricultural education. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in animal sciences and agricultural education from Ohio State, which he received in 1981.

[ACEL]: Hi John! Why did you select your majors and graduate program?
[POULSON]: I dual majored in animal science and agriculture education because I thought I wanted to work in the animal industry, but the agricultural education classes showed me the diversity of being involved in many subjects.

Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
It was the only school in Ohio that offered agriculture and where I could get accepted at automatically.  Plus, my mom and dad both graduated from Ohio State.

How did your education at Ohio State influence your choice of career or your career path?
The agriculture education classes, the course professors and student teaching showed me I could teach if I wanted to, and I decided I wanted to.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
I was involved in several ways with the Agricultural Education Society, I especially remember being co-chair of the banquet two years. I was inducted into Towers Honorary, but I don’t remember much about it. I worked three years in the Meat Lab, which was a great experience and I have used those skills often.  My last two quarters on campus I was in-charge of clean-up there.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
I enjoyed several classes and it was usually because of the professor or teacher being engaging and challenging.  I especially remember the agricultural education series of 100, 200 and 330 which prepared us for the classroom.  Professors included: Drs. Peters, Knight and Newcomb.  In animal science I enjoyed 200 with Dr. Plimpton, the meat courses with Dr. Parrot and animal nutrition with TizWiz. I think Dr. Hedges did the most to make us think that the problem solving approach is the best method of teaching, then and now.

I also enjoyed taking archery and bowling.

Most professors impacted my career if they gave us material to use in class and methods to use them.  After 36 years of teaching and working in the industry, I use parts of their materials on a daily basis.  The ones mentioned above plus Drs. Gleem, Erving, Papritan II, Lichtensteiger, Conners, Burke and more, some of which I can’t remember.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
I lived in Norton House all four years and those times spent with many friends made lasting memories which include meeting my wife, Lexie Zenz.

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
In 1981 I became the vocational agriculture teacher at Crestview High School in Richland and Ashland counties.

Are there other places you have worked throughout your career?
I worked as the agricultural educator and FFA advisor and helped start an alumni group at Crestview until 1988 (7 years). Then was an organization director for Ohio Farm Bureau in Henry, Fulton and Williams Counties for 2 years.  In 1990 I started at Pettisville Schools as the ag teacher and FFA Advisor and have helped start an alumni group here.

During your career, honors or awards have you been presented?
I have been named an OAAE Outstanding Young Teacher, Fulton County SWCD Outstanding Supporter, Honorary American FFA Degree recipient and a NAAE AgScience Teacher of the Year.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
My favorite career highlight is seeing the number of students who excel in the agriculture industry at the local, state and national levels.  It is gratifying to know the affect they have had in the industry.  I also see the many students who work in other industries but still know and love what agriculture means to our world.

What advice would you give to a current student?
Learn to learn and keep learning, with your students, employees, and customers.  Be open to working harder to help reach goals for others as well as yourself.  And, figure out how to get your family involved with what you like to do so that work can sometimes be a hobby too.

What did ACEL cultivate in you?
The support that people in the college have given me as a teacher over the years has helped.  It wasn’t just during college but in many of the years since.  Like Dr. Henderson during my first years of teaching, L.H. during my master’s program and various OAAE activities.  More recently the interactions of helping Dr. Whittington teach about high school recordkeeping and working with ACEL for summer conference programming have made me a better teacher.

The best thing that can come from this celebration is the understanding that agriculturalists need a team of educators in the industry, the classroom, the research labs, etc that know what others are doing.


Alumni Spotlight: Robin Hovis ’81

Robin Hovis graduated in 1981 with a bachelors degree in agricultural education. Shortly after graduation he became a teacher of vocational agriculture at Crestview Schools, Van Wert County. Hovis is currently a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones Investments.

Why did you select your major or graduate program?
Our family farm was not large enough to support two families so I decided that teaching vocational agriculture at the high school level would be great way to work in agriculture and stay involved with FFA, which was an important aspect of my life in high school. My high school ag teacher, Keith Nowels, was also a major influence in my career choice.Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
It was the only college of agriculture in the state, and I was familiar with the agricutlural campus as a result of FFA activities hosted there.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
I was active in the Agricultural Education Society and was a charter member of the Student Alumni Council. I also volunteered as a reader for blind students.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
I signed-up for a “dessert course” each quarter — my name for a course I took just for the enjoyment of it — as a treat for taking all the math and other required subjects. Theses ended-up  being my favorites, even though I enjoyed the courses in my major field of study. Among my dessert courses were Argumentation and Debate, Ballroom Dancing, Ohio History, Greek and Roman History, Islamic History, Russian Culture, Ancient Hebrew Literature, History of Art, and The English Bible as Literature. Each of these was a fascinating experience.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education/career?
My faculty advisor, Dr. J. Robert Warmbrod had a major influence in my OSU experience. He took a personal interest in my course planning, and advised me in many decisions which I would not have made as well on my own. Also, Dr. L.H. Newcomb was an outstanding undergraduate professor and made his courses lively and interesting. The late Dr. Rodny Plimpton (Animal Science) and Dr. Bernard Erven (Ag Econ) were also stand-out instructors.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
I made several lasting friendships at OSU, and really enjoyed the size and scale of the place. I came from a rural background, and found the size of OSU very different from what I was used to, and thus exciting. Some ag students found this a negative — a necessary evil in order to get their degree, and they went back home each weekend for high school sporting events, etc. But I liked to stay on campus because there was a lot going on! University 4-H hosted square dances in the Ag Admin parking lot, and they were fun.

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
Teacher of vocational agriculture at Crestview Schools, Van Wert County, Ohio.

For what schools, companies and/or organizations have you worked throughout your career and what were your responsibilities in those positions?
Vocational agriculture teacher at Crestview Schools in Van Wert County, then area supervisor of agricultural education for the Ohio Department of Education and State FFA Executive Secretary, then I changed careers, leaving agriculture for financial services/investments.

During your career, honors or awards have you been presented?
I was a member of the state board of education for nine years – one term appointed by Governor Bob Taft, and one term elected by the voters. I received the Honorary State and American FFA Degrees, a distinguished service award from the Agricultural Education Society, and a career award from the College of Agriculture. I also received the Dave Kysilko Award for Outstanding Service to State Boards of Education, from the National Association of State Boards of Education.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
I am proud of some accomplishments while serving as state FFA executive secretary. I am also proud of having built a successful brokerage practice in Holmes County over the past 29 years.

What advice would you give to a current student?
Be more diligent in doing all the reading assignments for each course — don’t rely only on what you learn in lectures for all that you take away from a course. (In saying that, I am neither admitting nor denying anything!) Broaden your course choices — don’t take only courses in your major — acquire an understanding of the larger world than just your career choice. Don’t stop at the minimum number of courses you need for your degree. I had to have 196 quarter credit hours to graduate. I graduated with 238 quarter credit hours. Some would view those extra 42 credits as a waste of time and money. My mind works differently. It was a bargain! I would not want to have missed any of those courses I took beyond the minimum. Don’t let “minimums” set by others become your “maximums.”

What did ACEL cultivate in you? How?
I learned “how to learn,” and how to organize activities. I learned how to write a curriculum and a lesson plan, how to teach the lesson, and how to evaluate student learning. All of these skills have great transferability to other careers and other activities in life, because they are disciplines of thinking in an organized way while maintaining a focus on the end result. Teaching is essentially the art and science of finding out what someone already knows about a given subject, and then moving their knowledge or skill to the next level. The ability to do that has broad application in life — well beyond a classroom.

Alumni Spotlight: J. David McCracken ’70 PhD

Dr. J. David McCracken graduated from Ohio State in 1970, receiving his PhD in agricultural education.  He is now a professor emeritus at The Ohio State University.
Why did you decide to get a doctoral degree in agricultural education at Ohio Sate?
I was raised on a farm in Iowa, went to Iowa State University, then taught high school and adult farmer agriculture in Charles City, Iowa. My Iowa State University advisor recommended that I attend Ohio State if I wanted to pursue an advance degree at another university. He said that Ohio State was the place to pursue the Ph.D.
How did your education at Ohio State influence your choice of career or your career path?
Work with the professors in the department enabled me to obtain a faculty position in the department after graduating with my Ph.D. I worked at the National Center for Research in Vocational Education at Ohio State before moving to the academic department in 1973.
What were you involved in as an Ohio State student (student organizations, honoraries, campus jobs, Greek life, etc.):
I was a research associate with the “National Center” during my studies. I abstracted publications for the ERIC Clearinghouse on Vocational Education, which was located at Ohio State.
What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State? What was your favorite and why?
My favorite class was in Research Design. It was a class I would later teach.
What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education and career?
Dr. Robert Warmbrod probably had the greatest impact on my career. He was my professor in the research series and later was my department chair. Robert Taylor, who directed the National Center for Research in Vocational Education, was my advisor and provided employment after my graduation with a doctoral degree.
What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
My favorite memory relates to the faculty and students with which I had the opportunity to work.
What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
I worked for the ERIC Clearinghouse on Vocational Education as assistant director. I was responsible for acquiring and abstracting documents and entering them into the system.
For what schools, companies and/or organizations have you worked throughout your career and what were your responsibilities in those positions?
After graduating from Iowa State University with a M.S. Degree, I was a Lt. in the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery, teacher of agriculture at Charles City, Iowa, and then at Ohio State I was with the National Center for Research in Vocational Education and the Department of Agricultural Education.
During your career, honors or awards have you been presented?
  • President, American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE)
  • Teaching Award of Merit, Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor Society of Agriculture, The Ohio State University;
  • Listed, American Men and Women of ScienceWho’s Who in Education, and Who’s Who in the Midwest;
  • Fellow, Distinguished Service Award, Distinguished Lecturer, AAAE;
  • Author of the Year, The Journal of AATEA, 1986 Volume;
  • Founding Member, Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars, Alpha Epsilon Chapter;
  • Fulbright Scholar, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 1985-86;
  • President, Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi;
  • Honorary American Farmer Degree, Future Farmers of America;
  • President, American Vocational Education Research Association;
  • Editor, Journal of Vocational Education Research;
  • Member, The Ohio State University Senate;
  • Chair, College Promotion and Tenure Committee;
  • Member College Faculty Council.
As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
I advised 28 Ph.D. and 46 M.S. students to completion of their degrees. I produced 97 refereed papers, 38 invited papers, 24 non-refereed journal articles, 22 research and development reports, and 18 books or chapters in books. I served as advisor to the Malaysian Student Association and the Thai Student Association at Ohio State. This led to my serving a university in Malaysia as a Fulbright Scholar for my sabbatical year in 1985-86 and three years (1995-1998) after early retirement. I then returned to the U.S. and worked part-time for Ohio State until 2003 and the University of Arizona until 2006.
What advice would you give to a current student?
Work to excel in all that you do. Assume you might someday teach the courses you are taking. Prepare!
What did ACEL cultivate in you? How?
ACEL taught me to desire and work for excellence in all that I did. It also taught me that the colleagues with whom I worked  were critically important to the success of all that we do.

After receiving the Honorary American Farmer degree.



My retirement from Ohio State in 1995.

Alumni Spotlight: Ken Parrott ’89


Ken Parrott lives in Lexington, Ohio and is currently the agricultural education teacher at Northmor High School in Northern Morrow county.

Why did you select your major or graduate program?
Back in the 1980’s you could dual major so my degree was ag education/animal science. I originally wanted to be a veterinarian, but my family background of education, especially in ag education, rubbed off on me.  My family is full of teachers and my grandfather, Ralph Howard, was a key part of starting FFA in Ohio serving as both executive secretary and Sstate advisor in the infancy of Ohio FFA.  My active involvement in the FFA in high school influenced me to become an ag teacher.

Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
Several reasons influenced my decision.  My father was a graduate of Ohio State.  The rest of my older siblings all went to Muskingum, but knowing that I wanted to pursue a degree in agriculture made Ohio State an easy choice.

How did your education at Ohio State influence your career path?
I had some great professors and great experiences at the Ohio State University in both the ag education and animal sciences departments.  But, when this new guy named Dr. Jamie Cano arrived to the Department of Agricultural Education and I had a few classes with him, I knew that I was making a right choice in my career decision.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
I was very involved in the Alpha Gamma Sigma fraternity, Agriculture Education Society and Saddle and Sirloin. My first year and a half of college I worked on the slaughter floor at the OSU Meat Lab and then the last couple of years I lived and worked at the Sheep Center and worked for Ron Guenther.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
That is a tough one cause I had so many great instructors in both ag education and animal science.  My love for livestock made many of my animal courses some of my favorites. Anyone that ever had Dr. Tyznik for any nutrition classes could never forget his presence and influence.  I always enjoyed my advanced animal science classes with Dr. Steve Baertsche.  I had some memorable experiences with Dr. Lowel Hedges in the ag ed department and I had the nicest advisor in the world, Dr. Jan Henderson.  But without a doubt, the professor that influenced me the most and I enjoyed thoroughly attending his classes was Dr. Jamie Cano.

Dr. Cano had the biggest influence on me. He was brand new to Ohio State and was trying hard to make an impression. He recognized a talent of teaching in me and pushed me hard to excel. His instruction greatly influenced who I am today.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State
There are a lot of them and it would be hard to picked my favorite. Probably most of stories I share revolve around my experiences with Alpha Gamma Sigma. We had a lot of fun back then and I experienced college with a lot of great people.

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
When I graduated in 1989, ag teaching openings at the time were pretty scarce.  I took the first job I interviewed for and that was a teaching position at Lincolnview High School near Van Wert, Ohio. A year later I moved closer to home at Highland High School. The following year, my home school, Northmor High School, called me home and I have been here for the last twenty-seven years.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
I have been fortunate to helped a lot of students achieve their FFA dreams.  I have coached many successful FFA teams at the state level as well.  I have also been blessed to have my own three kids in my program and without a doubt, my son Zach winning the State FFA Sheep Proficiency Award has to be right up there as one of my favorite career highlights.

What advice would you give to a current student?
Take advantage of ALL that Ohio State has to offer.  Your education is important but the university experience is just as important. Get involved in as many things as you can handle whether it be the greek system or student clubs and organizations.

Alumni Spotlight: Amy Miller ’99

Amy Miller is currently a State NFIP Coordinator in Nashville, Tennessee. She graduated in 1999 with her bachelors in agricultural education.

[ACEL]: Why did you select your major or graduate program?
[Miller]: I’m a little bit country and a little bit rock-n-roll.  My undergraduate degree is in Agricultural Education and my graduate degree is in City and Regional Planning.  My programs were selected because I enjoy working on complex issues, finding solutions and improving the quality of life for citizens.

Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
I chose to attend The Ohio State University due to the friendly atmosphere that permeates throughout campus, the plethora of quality academic curriculum that will endure throughout one’s college and professional career, and the outstanding football program.

How did your education at Ohio State influence your choice of career or your career path?
My degree in Agricultural Education influenced my career path to work with various stakeholders regarding the preservation of agriculture.  My studies enabled me to take a complex issue and simplify into a message regarding the value of agriculture on the community.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
I was involved in Campus Crusade for Christ, Collegiate 4-H, and City and Regional Planning Student Association.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
I enjoyed my City and Regional Planning classes.  My favorite was Planning Places with People in Mind.  This class focuses on the relationship between the built environment and humans and the importance of environmental design geared towards its inhabitants.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education/career?
Dr. Scott Scheer had the biggest impact on my education and career while a student at The Ohio State University.   He was authentic, approachable, trustworthy and fun.  Whenever I needed to talk to someone, he was always there to listen and offer advice.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
My favorite memory was Ohio State beating the TTUN and rushing the field in 1998 to celebrate the victory.

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
My first job was the Farmland Preservation Coordinator at the Wayne County Planning Department.

For what schools, companies and/or organizations have you worked throughout your career and what were your responsibilities in those positions?
My first job was Wayne County Ohio, Farmland Preservation Coordinator working with landowners to permanently preserve farmland throughout the county.  After moving to Nashville, Tennessee, I worked for the Local Planning Assistance Office as a Regional Planner assisting 6 communities with development proposals and enforcing subdivision and zoning regulations.  After this experience, I worked as a Budget Analyst for the State of Tennessee analyzing budgets for various agencies in regards to revenue and expenditure forecasts.  My current job is the State of Tennessee National Flood Insurance Program Coordinator.  I support 400 communities with floodplain regulation interpretation, enforcement issues and statewide training.

During your career, honors or awards have you been presented?
During my career, I coordinated 62 grant applications from Wayne County landowners in 2002, for the Ohio Agricultural Easement Purchase Program which was the most in the state and was a tremendous honor to work with each applicant.  In addition, I worked with Rails to Trails of Wayne County to secure an ODOT grant of $2.1 million to construction a 6.75 mile rails-to-trails project.  Under my leadership, Tennessee became the 2nd in the nation to initiate the Certified Floodplain Surveyor program, certifying surveyors in FEMA Elevation Certificate preparation and Letter of Map Changes.

Outside of your career, are you involved in any organizations or activities in your community?
I am a volunteer at the Tennessee Prison for Women.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
My favorite career highlight was in 2001, attempting a 0.25% sales tax increase to fund a local Purchase of Development Rights Program in Wayne County, Ohio.  The program would allow farmers to voluntarily sell an agricultural easement on their property and have the land remain in agricultural production in perpetuity.  Although the initiative failed, we had a great public awareness campaign and continued interest in preserving local farmland that exists today.

What advice would you give to a current student?
What you do will not get you up in the morning.  Why you do it is what will keep you going.  Emotion is the key.

What did ACEL cultivate in you? How?
The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership cultivated in me adaptability.  Whether in my career or life, I have to have flexibility in handling change, being able to juggle multiple demands and adapt to new ideas with innovative approaches.

Alumni Spotlight: Leah Curtis ’07



Leah Finney Curtis currently works for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation as Policy Counsel and Sr. Director for Member Engagement. She is a 2007 graduate, completing a degree in agricultural communication.

Leah decided to pursue an agricultural communication degree because she felt that the industry needs people who can convey its message to the rest of the world and to help policymakers get to the the right results when they consider the laws and regulations governing agriculture. Just as important, she felt our industry needed some of their own that can help work through legal issues and translate the “legal-ese” of court decisions and regulations into information that is actually understandable and usable in everyday life.

[ACEL]: Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
[Curtis]: I actually transferred to Ohio State after starting my undergraduate education at a much smaller institution. I found that school to be too small though, and wanted a university that could provide me both the small community feel of my own college, but the opportunities of diversity of all types in my education. Ohio State gave me the opportunity to be continuously challenged with new experiences, new ideas and viewpoints.

How did your education at Ohio State influence your choice of career or your career path?
I was never without ideas of what I wanted to be when I grew up, it was easier to pick out what I didn’t want to be. But, being at Ohio State and my internship at the Ohio Department of Agriculture helped me hone in on the law and policy as something I really loved and felt could make a difference for people like my family. I saw the need that existed in the ag industry for legal counsel that not only knew the law but understood the practical way of life that comes with agriculture, and could help shape the policies that govern our industry.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
I was involved with Alpha Sigma Upsilon sorority, sang in the Women’s Glee Club, and worked throughout my college career, including with the Deptment of Animal Sciences, the Ohio Pork Producers, and the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Collegiate 4-H was also a very important part of my undergraduate experience that provided me life-long friendships with people outside my own college that had that same 4-H background.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
I really enjoyed the classes that got me out of my comfort zone. I decided to add an interdisciplinary minor my junior year that was called “Legal Foundations of Society” and it exposed me to classes that I otherwise wouldn’t have known about, like “the sociology of law,” “women and crime,” and “law and economics.”  While I loved the comfort of being on the CFAES campus, these classes really helped me to grow intellectually and see things from completely different perspectives that I never would have experienced otherwise.

My favorite was actually a course in CFAES, but not in my major. I took an introductory Food Science course to fulfill one of my science credits. Not only was the class one of the most enjoyable, but it is one of the most useful I have ever taken. Food safety laws and regulations are a big part of my job today, but it also just helps with everyday meal planning and cooking as a parent.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education/career?
Dr. Buck was incredibly supportive of me as I was working toward law school. I know her letters of recommendation certainly helped me and I appreciate all the counsel she gave me as a student during that time (even though she technically wasn’t my adviser!). Dr. Jill Pfister was also instrumental in helping me navigate the systems of the university as a transfer student, when I could have easily fallen through the cracks.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
In my undergraduate days, my favorite memory was a Collegiate 4-H trip we took to Louisiana State University for the National Collegiate 4-H conference. The trip was only two years after Hurricane Katrina, and while we visited the state we took part in a service project to do hurricane clean-up in St. Bernard Parish, south of New Orleans. We mainly cleaned up a street median, and re-set a Blue Star Highway Sign. But, the number of people who stopped to thank us for that small contribution will always stick with me. Visiting New Orleans during Mardi Gras didn’t hurt to make the trip memorable either!

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
After my undergraduate degree, I went directly to law school on the other side of campus. During my time at the law school, I worked for the Student Housing Legal Clinic and the University’s Legal Affairs Department.

For what schools, companies and/or organizations have you worked throughout your career?
I began at the Ohio Farm Bureau as a legal intern during my last year of law school. After the bar exam, I was hired on as the Director of Legal Education, where my focus was on education and explanation of laws that impact agriculture and farms. I moved then into the role of Director of Agricultural Law, overseeing the legal activities of the OFBF policy department and providing legal review of legislation and regulations. I moved into my most recent role as Policy Counsel and Sr. Director of Member Engagement last fall, where I also oversee the member engagement staff of subject matter experts in law, energy and livestock policy, in addition to my role in representing the organization in its legal advocacy efforts.

During your career, honors or awards have you been presented?
I was selected to take part in the Ohio State Bar Association Leadership Academy. I was also appointed to the Bar Association’s membership task force and to the Women in the Profession Section Council. I also received an award from the American Farm Bureau Federation for Best Audio News Story for an episode of my Legal with Leah podcast.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
One of the topics I have spent the most time on during my nearly eight years at OFBF, has been the Current Agricultural Use Valuation (CAUV) tax program. This program provides important property tax treatment to farmers, but issues in the workings of the program had caused property taxes to skyrocket. In 2017, after three years of non-stop work, we were able to see important CAUV reforms enacted by the Ohio General Assembly. We are just beginning to see the results, but I’m so glad I was able to lend my expertise to this effort that has already resulted in 30% lower land valuations across the state.

What advice would you give to a current student?
Get out of your comfort zone! Take classes on topics of personal interest that are not in your college and not in your major. Get out of your own echo chamber, and be challenged by the vast resources around you.

What did ACEL cultivate in you?
ACEL cultivated in me the need to always seek to understand before you speak. You cannot productively communicate with someone if you have no context of where they are coming from and why they feel or think the way they do.

Alumni Spotlight: Michael Galleher ’75

Michael Galleher ’75 is currently a teacher for GOAL Digital Academy, an online charter school located in Mansfield, OH. He teaches all subjects in the eighth grade. Galleher retired from Mount Gillead Schools in 2008.


[ACEL]: Hi Michael! Why did you select your major of agricultural and extension education?
[Galleher]: When I came to Ohio State, I wanted to be a 4-H extension agent due to my experiences as a summer assistant at the Morrow County Extension Office. 

Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
My father who is also an OSU alumni recommended that I go to OSU instead of Murray State University or Wilmington College. He said, “If you are going to study agriculture, you should go to the best ag school around. 

How did your education at Ohio State influence your choice of career or your career path?
After attending Ohio State and majoring in agricultural education, I wasn’t able to find a job close to home in extension, so I started teaching production agriculture at Elgin High School in Marion County. I went back to school to be re-certified in grades 1-8 and taught for 10 years in first grade, six years teaching health and physical education, and finally my last seven years, I taught 7th grade science. My years in the Department of Agricultural Education prepared me to teach almost any subject matter I attempted.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
As a student at Ohio State I was involved in student government serving in the Freshman Senate and I was dorm president of the Norton-Scott complex for two years. I was a tutor for the living-learning program in Norton-Scott. I also worked as a dish washer at the cattle blood typing lab in Plumb Hall, an intramural football official, and an office worker in Norton Scott. I was a member of the Towers Honorary.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
I enjoyed any animal sciences class and the methods classes for agricultural education, especially the courses taught by Dr. Newcomb.  My two favorite classes were the horticulture class taught Dr. Geisman (everyone took that class to learn how to make jug wine on the last day of the quarter, although I did learn many things about horticulture, too) and the surveying class probably because two of my roommates took the class with me and we had a lot of fun working outside during the labs.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education/career?
Ray Miller who worked with the Norton-Scott Complex helped me learn how to work with people who have differing viewpoints. During the time, I was on campus many changes were happening in dorm life and Dr. Miller helped guide us through those years. I also learned many things from Dr. Lowell Hedges who was a fellow teacher at Elgin when I started and later worked with OSU training new teachers. For the first few years of my teaching career, I was able to see Dr. Hedges in action every day and he was a great help to a beginning teacher and FFA advisor

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
I enjoyed attending football games with my roommates, sitting in C-Deck at the Horseshoe, no matter what the weather was. And then being down on the field after beating Michigan in 1974. 

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
I taught Production Agriculture at Elgin High School in Marion County.

Tell us about the positions you have held throughout your career in education.
Elgin High School – six years, Mount Gilead Schools – 23 years, GOAL Digital Academy – 14 Years. This is my 42nd year in education. My wife and I owned at craft shop in the 80’s called the “The Hobby Horse.”  I have coached middle school cross country at Mt. Gilead for 22 years and I am a part-time farmer raising Horned Dorset sheep. I have been a registered track official for the past 14 years.

During your career, have you received any awards or honors?
My girls cross country team placed first at the OHSAA State Invitational for two years in a row, 2015 and 2016.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
Watching our graduation ceremony at GOAL Digital Academy each year. Our charter school is a school of last resort for many of our students.  It thrills me to see our students graduate and know that I had a small part in making that happen. For some of our students, they are the first from their family to receive a high school diploma.

What advice would you give to a current student?
Take advantage of the many opportunities to learn and grow at The Ohio State University. These years should be some of the best of your life and a foretaste of what can happen in future.

What did ACEL cultivate in you?
A love of learning and a need to share that with others.

Alumni Spotlight: Jennifer Hubble ’94

Jenny Hubble ’94 is an agricultural communication alum and currently serves as the senior vice president for communications for the American Dairy Association Mideast.

[ACEL]: Hi Jenny! Tell us why did you selected agricultural communication as your major.
[Hubble]: I always knew I wanted to work in the communications field, and more than likely owe that to my experience in 4-H.  Choosing agricultural communication as my major allowed me to blend my passion for agriculture with a desire to pursue a career in communications.

Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
I was born a Buckeye! My grandparents and parents attended Ohio State, and I am proud that my daughter is currently carrying on the tradition as a fourth-generation Buckeye.

How did your education at Ohio State influence your career path?
While at Ohio State, I had the opportunity to have several internships, which allowed me to explore different areas of agricultural communication, including broadcast, writing, design, advocacy and public relations. These experiences helped me define what type of communication I enjoyed most (and least).

What were you involved in as an Ohio State student?
I was involved in Ohio State’s chapter of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow. I also had the privilege of being elected to serve as vice president of the National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow organization.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
When I was at Ohio State, the Ag Comm major included classes from the School of Journalism (“J School”) and communication courses from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).  My two favorite classes were one from each side of the river – the J School’s news writing course allowed me to have articles published in The Lantern, and CFAES’s magazine class gave me the opportunity to write, edit and publish the AgriNaturalist with my classmates.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education/career?
Dr. Curtis E. Paulson, professor of agricultural communication, made the greatest impact on me while at Ohio State.  He was my advisor and mentor. Dr. Paulson encouraged me to seek out opportunities to make the most of my education and to be a leader. He was a true advocate for his students and for his field.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
One of my favorite memories at Ohio State was being selected as a Top 10 Senior for the College of FAES. This recognition was an honor and a celebration of my four years of hard work!

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
I began my career in 1994 with the American Dairy Association Mideast as a communication specialist. I have been lucky enough to work for the same organization for the past 24 years! However, my role and responsibilities have changed many times, giving me new and challenging opportunities throughout my career.

During your career, have you received any awards or honors?
I was awarded the Young Professional Achievement Award from CFAES in 2000/2001. I was also honored to serve as president of the Ohio Agricultural Council in 2014 and 2015.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
I am most proud of my organization’s consumer communication efforts to educate people about how dairy farmers care for their cows and their land to assure they can responsibly produce safe wholesome dairy foods. Our approach has been innovative and a model for other organizations.

What advice would you give to a current student?
My advice to students is to gain as much experience as possible in various areas of your field of study. Being well-rounded makes you more marketable!

What did ACEL cultivate in you?
My experience at Ohio State and with ACEL inspired me to be an advocate for Ohio’s agricultural community. Although my roots are in agriculture, I knew I didn’t want to return to the farm after graduation. ACEL helped me discover a way to support and advance an industry I love and appreciate.

Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Ed Osborne ’82 Ph.D.

Dr. Ed Osborne ’82 completed a doctoral degree in agricultural education at Ohio State. He is currently at the University of Florida as a professor of agricultural education.

[ACEL]: Why did you decide to get a doctoral degree in agricultural education?
[Osborne]: I’ve always loved the schooling environment and the field of agriculture, so becoming a high school agriculture teacher was an obvious career choice for me. After teaching at the high school level for four years, I had an unexpected opportunity to teach in the agricultural education program at Virginia Tech for one year and discovered that I enjoyed teaching at the college level even more (I loved both).

Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
Ohio State was THE place to earn a Ph.D. degree in agricultural education in the 1980s, and one of the faculty members there (Dr. Larry Miller) had been one of my professors in my undergraduate program at Virginia Tech. He had been encouraging me to pursue a Ph.D. degree for several years.

How did your education at Ohio State influence your choice of career or your career path?
My doctoral experience at Ohio State really stretched my perspectives in many ways and gave me a great foundation as a beginning agricultural education faculty member. Ohio State, Columbus, and the Midwest presented a dramatically different academic and community environment for me, compared to my rural southwest Virginia roots. I’ve always loved learning, and the opportunity to learn and broaden my perspectives seemed endless at Ohio State. My experiences there solidified my decision to become a university agricultural education faculty member.

What were you involved in as an Ohio State graduate student?
As a graduate student, I was involved in our graduate student organization and honorary societies. In addition, the large and diverse graduate student community in the department at Ohio State made for a wonderful doctoral experience.

What classes did you enjoy the most while at Ohio State?
I really enjoyed the research series (methods, design, data analysis). The professors in these courses (Miller and Warmbrod) were simply outstanding and made the concepts and principles very easy to understand. I also thoroughly enjoyed serving as a TA for Dr. Newcomb in his teaching methods course. He was a master at teaching the problem solving approach, and his expertise and effectiveness in this course were perhaps the best I have ever seen to this day.

What professor, faculty or staff member had an impact on your education/career?
The three faculty member’s that impacted me the most during my time at Ohio State were Drs. Miller, Warmbrod, and Newcomb. Dr. Miller was an outstanding academic advisor and teacher, and Dr. Warmbrod and Dr. Newcomb were superb teachers. In addition, I always admired Dr. Warmbrod’s ability to find the simple in the complex, whether it was a concept in teaching or data analysis or a controversial discussion at a professional conference.

What is your favorite memory related to your time at Ohio State?
My graduation day, of course, stands out. Probably my favorite memories were from all of the time our graduate student group spent together at socials, going to football games, and playing on our intramural water polo team. We rocked!

What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
My first job after earning my Ph.D. degree from Ohio State was that of visiting assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (I was appointed to an assistant professor position the following year.)

Where has your professional career taken you since you graduated from Ohio State?
 I’ve worked at only two institutions since earning my Ph.D. degree at Ohio State in 1982. I began at the University of Illinois and continued there for 15 years as a faculty member in teacher education. This involved teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students, conducting research, and providing teacher professional development programs. I was appointed Chair of the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at the University of Florida in 1997 and remained in that position until July 2016. I returned to the faculty thereafter and currently teach graduate seminars, advise graduate students, and conduct research and extension programs focused on teacher well-being and personal resilience. I have also facilitated strategic planning sessions for more than 40 university, professional, and community-based organizations.

During your career, honors or awards have you been presented?
Outstanding Service Citation, National Association of Agricultural Educators, Region V (2014); Distinguished Leadership Award of Merit, UF Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta (2011); Distinguished Lecturer, American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE) (2010); Outstanding Agricultural Educator, AAAE (2007); AAAE Fellow (2007); President, The National Council for Agricultural Education (2005); President, AAAE (2004-05); Outstanding Instructor, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois (1992); AAAE Outstanding Young Member (1988). I was also coordinator and primary instructor for the UF/IFAS faculty/staff leadership development program for 10 years.

As of today, what is your favorite career highlight?
My tenure as department chair at the University of Florida was very fulfilling. We experienced remarkable growth in all areas, fueled by superb faculty and students and strong support from administration and stakeholders. The most rewarding aspect of this work was the opportunity to help people discover and pursue their potential, whether students, faculty, teachers, staff, leaders, or others.

What advice would you give to a current student?
Enjoy the student experience, but never lose sight of your highest priority as a student – learning as much as you can, stretching your perspectives, building personal and professional connections, continuing to discover your interests and potential, and performing well academically.

What did ACEL cultivate in you?
I believe my doctoral program at Ohio State gave me the confidence to step into new arenas and be a contributing member in all types of team environments. My experiences at OSU built the foundation for my work as a faculty member, a position I continue to genuinely love today (decades later).