Rex works as safari tour guide

Bradi Rex and Mrs. Ramsier in front of the safari bus.

Rex and Ramsier


Bradi Rex, a sophomore studying agriscience education, worked at The Wilds in Cumberland, Ohio as a tour guide.

Rex drove the open air safari bus while giving a fun filled tour about various endangered and extinct in the wild exotic animals. The mission of The Wilds is to lead and inspire by connecting people and wildlife.

She even had a few ACEL faces on a tour this summer, as Mrs. Ramsier, ACEL program coordinator at Ohio State ATI, and Dr. Filson, associate professor of agriscience education, visited with their families.

While students majoring in agriscience education complete their internship requirement through field experiences, many students gain additional educational opportunities like this one to broaden the knowledge about food, agricultural, and environmental sciences.

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