By: Cody McClain
agriscience education
This month for “Talking Shop,” I am focusing on two historical documents that reflect on shops and rooms for farm shop and agricultural engineering during the early years of agricultural education (1919~1936).
The first document, “Rooms for a Department of Vocational Agriculture,” was published in 1919 by W. F. Stewart and E.F. Johnson, first department chair and assistant professor of the Department of Agricultural Education at Ohio State, respectively. This publication concentrated on the locations, plans, and equipment needs for vocational agriculture programs.
The second publication, “Farm Shop and Agricultural Engineering,” was prepared in 1936 by C.S. Hutchinson, a faculty member in the Department of Agricultural Education at Ohio State. This publication focuses on the objectives, rooms, and equipment needed specifically for farm shop and agricultural engineering courses. Both of these publications show the fundamental beginnings of the agricultural mechanics and engineering in the early years of agricultural education.