Twelve ACEL students attend AFA conference

Twelve students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership left today for the Agriculture Future of American (AFA) Leaders Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.

AFA Leaders Conference provides support for college men and women who are preparing for careers in agriculture-related fields. Leaders Conference bridges the gap between academic, leadership and work experiences while helping students understand the impact of their decisions.

The conference also assists students in developing personal and professional skills necessary for lifelong success and provides a forum for updates and discussions on industry trends. Students are given the opportunity to network with peers and leaders in the agriculture industry as well as increase their excitement about the future of agriculture by creating awareness about career opportunities in agriculture.

The AFA Leaders Conference is a four-track program designed to offer college men and women four different personal and professional development opportunities spread across and matched to their years in college.

Jordan Bonham and Meghan Bennett, seniors in agricultural communication, served on the Student Advisory Team for the 2015 Leaders Conference. The AFA Student Advisory Team serves as organization ambassadors, assists staff in the planning and facilitation of the Leaders Conference and related events, and acts as student advisors for the organization. Additionally, AFA Student Advisory Team members assume the same responsibilities as a Campus Ambassador when it comes to the health of AFA relationships on their campus.

Students majoring in agricultural communication, agriscience education and community leadership attending the 2015 AFA Leaders Conference include:

Caroline Battin, agricultural communication
Meghan Bennett, agricultural communication
Karigan Blue, agricultural communication
Jordan Bonham, agricultural communication
Kelley Dickman, agricultural communication
Brianna Gwirtz, agricultural communication
Audrey Hoey, community leadership
Scott McDermott, community leadership
Summer McLain, agriscience education
Micah Mensing, agriscience education
Mallorie Wippel, agricultural communication

ACEL Weekly Update – November 4, 2015

Upcoming Events

November 4 – ACT Meeting, 5:30pm, 205 Ag Admin
November 4 – Honduras (Community Development) Study Abroad Info Session, 6pm, 251 Ag Admin
November 10 – LinkedIn Workshop and Networking Mocktails, 5pm
November 10 – Ag Ed Society Banquet, 6pm
November 12 – Honduras (Community Development) Study Abroad Info Session, 6pm, 205 Ag Admin
November 11 – Ag Ed Society Roadside Cleanup, 10am
November 17 – Ag Ed Society Meeting, 7pm, Ag Admin Auditorium
November 18 – ACT Meeting, 5:30pm, 205 Ag Admin
December 8 – Ag Ed Society Meeting, 7pm, Ag Admin Auditorium
December 16 – ACT Meeting, 5:30pm, 205 Ag Admin
December – Graudate Student Resume and CV Workshop
December 20 – Graduating Senior Luncheon, Ag Admin Auditorium


On our website

Agricultural communication student elected to National FFA office

On our Blog
24 ACEL students receive National FFA Degree
Why Agricultural Communications? by Kaylee Reed
Ag Ed Society to host annual banquet
A view from behind the camera by Sarah Johnson
Student Organizations Doing Great Things
Industry News for October 23
Weekly Update – October 22, 2015

Study Abroad in Honduras this May
Students participating in the Community Development study abroad program in Honduras will be given an opportunity to learn about Honduran issues related to agriculture, education and international development through community outreach and education about agricultural needs and practices. A major project will be to create learning modules and work with local, Spanish-speaking instructors, to teach local residents how to create a community garden. More information available here.

Outstanding Senior Award Application Available
The application form for the 2016 Outstanding Senior Award is now available at This is the premier award granted to seniors in CFAES. To qualify for consideration, applicants must have a 3.00 cumulative GPA at the time of application and be graduating during the 2016 calendar year. Selections are made based on the applicant’s record of scholarship, leadership, professional and personal growth and involvement in the community, both within OSU and beyond. The deadline for applications is December 16. All applications will be reviewed in January. A group of students will be selected, from all who apply, to interview with the selection committee in February. The group of Outstanding Seniors will be recognized at the CFAES Recognition Program on April 7, 2016. Contact Dr. Marilyn Trefz (.2) should you have questions.

Careers in Agriculture Scholarship Program
Scholarships worth $1,000 will be awarded to 10 college students in their first or second year who demonstrate scholastic achievement, leadership in agriculture and a perceived ability to contribute to agriculture in the future.

Preference goes to first or second year college students pursuing two- or four-year degrees in agronomy, crop production, or closely related fields.

All applications must be postmarked by February 5, 2016. Winners will be notified by mail in April 2016.
Download the application here.

Five $1,000 Scholarships Available
The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) is again offering its William C. Berg Academic Excellence in Agriculture Scholarship thanks to the sponsorship of BASF Corporation.

Five (5) one thousand dollar ($1,000) scholarships are available to students entering at least their second undergraduate year (or any year of graduate school) pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in an agricultural, agribusiness, or an Ag vocation field.

Applicants or a parent/guardian must be a member of the NCGA. Funds are for the 2016-2017 school year. Past scholarship winners and employees and the families of employees of any division of BASF or their subsidiaries or the NCGA are not eligible for the scholarship.

Applications must be postmarked on or before December 11, 2015. The application is available here:

Ohio Soybean Council Foundation Scholarship
The Ohio Soybean Council Foundation is pleased to offer $36,000 in scholarships to undergraduate and graduate Students for the 2016-2017 academic year. Scholarships are available to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing studies related to the soybean industry and the field of agriculture.

The deadline to apply is January 15, 2016 at 5:00pm, applications are available

Undergraduate scholarships: Six undergraduate scholarships of up to $3,000 each will be awarded, and one $3,000 Farmer, Lumpe + McClelland Excellence in Communications Scholarship. Also available to one undergraduate student is a $5,000 Bhima Vijayendran Scholarship. Eligibility: Applicants must be Ohio residents enrolled as full-time students at an Ohio college or university, having attained at least sophomore status by the fall of 2016, with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Eligible majors include biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, molecular biology, chemistry, engineering, biotechnology, bioenergy, biofuels, food science, crop science, environmental science, agricultural communications, agricultural business, agricultural education or any of the agricultural disciplines or related fields.

Graduate scholarships: Two scholarships of up to $5,000 each are available to students who are enrolled as full-time graduate students at an Ohio college or university. Applicants must be conducting research in bioproducts, biotechnology, biobased materials, bioengineering, biopolymers or a related field, and must be focused on advancing the soybean industry.

ARC Starts Year Two of Scholarship Program for University Students Studying Ag Communications
The Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) is pleased to announce year two of its reinstated scholarship program for college students studying ag communications. The organization, through its foundation, will grant one, $1,500 scholarship for the 2016-2017 school year. Last year’s program had 23 applications.

ARC conducted a scholarship program up until about 10 years ago, then reinstated it last year. Through the financial contributions of 2014 Hall of Fame recipients Richard Howell and Gary Myers, along with pledges from several others in the organization, ARC is now back in the scholarship business.
The board is also looking at reinstating our internship program as well. A career in public relations can be satisfying and rewarding. Scholarships and internships are ways to show college students the value of pursuing jobs in this area.”
Notices of the scholarship program will be sent to universities now and January announcing the program. Students will have until March 1, 2016, to submit their applications. Among those contacted will be Ag Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) students through its state chapters.
Please direct all questions to the ARC office; email ARC at, phone: 952/758-5811.
DEADLINE: The 2016 ARC Scholarship Program Applicationand all supplemental materials must be emailed no later than March 1, 2016. Application materials should be emailed to:Barb Ulschmid, ARC at

Study Abroad

Upcoming Study Abroad Information Sessions
Community Development – Choluteca, Honduras
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 in 251 Agricultural Administration at 6PM
Thursday, November 12, 2015 in 205 Agricultural Administration at 6PM

Internship and Job Opportunities

Internship Openings
Exalt – Corporate Affairs Internship (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Certified Angus Beef – Writing Intern (Wooster, Ohio)
Fleishman Hillard – Public Relations Intern (St. Louis, Missouri)
Fleishman Hillard – Social Content Intern (St. Louis, Missouri)
Hoard’s Dairyman – Editorial Internship (Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin)
Innovative Ag Services – Summer Internship (multiple locations)
Lallemand Animal Nutrition – Marketing Communications Intern (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Livestock Publication Council – Internship (location TBD)
Ohio Farm Bureau – Land and Living Exhibit Intern (Columbus, Ohio)
the Bradford Group – Public Relations Intern (Nashville, Tennessee)

Full-Time Job Openings
AMR Management Services – Graphic Design & Marketing Coordinator (St. Louis, Missouri)
Aqua-Chem Inc – Graphic Designer (Knoxville, Tennessee)
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission – Outreach Coordinator (Arlington, Virginia)
Buckeye Power Inc – Director of Communications (Columbus, Ohio)
Dollywood – Director of Marketing (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
Dollywood – Senior Digital Marketing Manager (Pigeon Forge, Tennessee)
Elanco – Dairy Sales Representative (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
Exponent PR – Content Developer, Agriculture (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Florida State Fair – Marketing and Communications Manager (Tampa, Florida)
Georgia Cattlemen’s Association – Director of Industry Information and Public Relations (Macon, Georgia)
George Washington University – Coordinator, Social Media and Fan Engagement (Washington DC)
Good Food Grower – Associate Editor (Yakima, Washington)
KFC – Brand Marekting Manager (Louisville, Kentucky)
KFC – Internal Communications Contractor (Louisville, Kentucky)
McCormick Company – Media Planner (KC, Indianapolis, or Des Moines)
Malibu Boats, LLC –  Graphic Designer (Loudon, Tennessee)
Mepps/Mister Twister – Communication Coordinator (Antigo, Wisconsin)
Oak Island Creative – Graphic Artist (Crestwood, Kentucky)
Ohio Domestic Violence Network – Youth Project Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, CFAES Communications – Project Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, A&P Communications – Graphic Designer (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, Student Life – Marketing Specialist (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, Arts & Sciences – Communication Specialist (Columbus, Ohio)
Ohio State, A&P Communications – Marketing Coordinator (Columbus, Ohio)
Poultry Science Association – Asst. Managing Editor and Communication Specialist(Champaign, Illinois)
Ruby Tuesday, Inc – Graphic Designer (Maryville, Tennessee)
Shawnee State University – PT Educational Opportunity Center Coordinator (Portsmouth, Ohio)
Southern States Cooperative – Digital Marketing Coordinator (Richmond, Virginia)
STCU – Community Relations Officer (Liberty Lake, Washington)
Texas Farm Bureau – Staff Writer (Waco, Texas)
The Creative Group – Freelance Graphic Designer (Columbus, Ohio)
The Creative Group – Social Media Marketing Director (Dublin, Ohio)
University of Kentucky – Production/Marketing Coordinator (Lexington, KY)
University of Tennessee – Asst. Director, Media Relations (Knoxville, TN)
USHJA – Regional Communication Coordinator (Lexington, Kentucky)
US Poultry & Egg Association – Meeting and Events Planner (Tucker, Georgia)
West Virginia University – Director of Communications and Marketing (Morgantown, West Virginia)
Wilt PR – Content Coordinator (Springfield, Ohio)
Youngs Williams Animal Care Center of East Tennessee – Director of Marketing and Public Relations (Knoxville, Tennessee)

Extension and Teaching Jobs
Ohio Ag Ed Openings

Jobs to check out on Hire-A-Buckeye 
(must be logged in to Hire-A-Buckeye to see these job listings)
Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership

Volunteer Opportunities
Jingle Bell Run – December 5, 2015
Wreaths Across American – December 12, 2015
Ohio Nature Center – 
Gift Wrapping

25 ACEL students receive National FFA Degree

At the 2015 National FFA Convention held in Louisville, Kentucky, 25 students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership received their American FFA Degree.

The American FFA Degree is awarded to members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs). Approximately 3,500 American FFA Degrees are handed out each year at the National FFA Convention. That number represents less than half of one percent of all FFA members, making it one of the organizations highest honors. In addition to their degree, each recipient receives a gold American FFA Degree key.

Those students from our Department who received this honor include:

Agricultural Communication
Darrison Cook
Blake Fox
Rachel Garrison
Daniel Grayless
Brianna Gwirtz
Katerina Sharp
Jarred Shellhouse
Mary Siekman
Mandy Taylor
Ryan Vonderhaar

Agriscience Education
Christine Balint
Brad Collins
Kate Deacon
Tyler Gentry
Logan Heiby
Frances Nicol
Geoffrey Norris
Cole Riddle
Tricia Schoen
Haley Sherman
Robert Thiel
Bailey Wagner
Stephanie Wuebben

Community Leadership
Scott McDermott
Rachel Stoneburner

FFA Emblem_For Web


Why Agricultural Communication?

By: Kaylee Reed
Amanda, OH
Agricultural Communications


Person: “What is your major?”

Me: “Agricultural Communication”

Person: “What is that?” or “What do you plan on doing with that degree?”

This is a common conversation starter that I have experienced when venturing onto central campus to take my general education courses, where many people don’t understand the agricultural industry and/or still believe that agriculture just means farmers.  Realistically though, those of us who do know what agriculture is and how it works, knows that agriculture doesn’t just mean farmers. It also means educators, communicators, and leaders.

Deciding on a major is not an easy task for many people, but for me, it was the easiest decision. I competed in my FFA chapter’s Agricultural Communications CDE for the past three years and on October 28, I will compete at the national level. For those who don’t know what this CDE consists of there are three people on a team who create a media plan, take an APA manual exam, give a presentation, and do a practicum. When I first started this CDE, I was a shy, quiet girl who didn’t like public speaking, but as time went on, I came to love public speaking. This is how my love for agricultural communication started.

I became an agricultural communicator so that in the future people aren’t asking what is agricultural communication. I became an agricultural communicator to help those who know nothing about agriculture understand misconceptions about agriculture. I became an agricultural communicator to help consumers understand farmers and vice versa.

In order for consumers to get a positive image about the agricultural industry, the world needs agricultural communicators. We are the bridges that connect people from different lifestyles. We help people see the world and give thousands of farmers a voice. We are the ones; the ones who shed light on agriculture. As agricultural communicators, we have the ability to change the world and get the public to appreciate farmers more. We have a mission to tell agriculture’s story.

I am proud to say that I am an agricultural communicator so that I can explain why agriculture is vital for everyone.

Ag Ed Society to host annual banquet

AES 2014

The Agricultural Education Society will host their Annual Recognition Banquet on November 10, 2015. The banquet will begin at 6:00 PM in the Agricultural Administration Auditorium, located at 2120 Fyffe Rd.

Tickets are $10.00, payable at the door. To RSVP, please email Abbey at by Tuesday November 3, 2015.

This year, the Agricultural Education Society will be collecting donations for the organization Crayons to Classroom. With a donation of three or more items, you will receive a $5.00 discount on your ticket price.

Teachers most often request the following items:

  • Pencils
  • Folders
  • Pens
  • Scissors
  • Crayons (24 count)
  • Rulers
  • Glue sticks
  • Markers
  • Filler paper
  • Notebooks
  • Construction paper
  • Facial tissue
  • Office supplies
  • Desk accessories