Twelve students from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership left today for the Agriculture Future of American (AFA) Leaders Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.
AFA Leaders Conference provides support for college men and women who are preparing for careers in agriculture-related fields. Leaders Conference bridges the gap between academic, leadership and work experiences while helping students understand the impact of their decisions.
The conference also assists students in developing personal and professional skills necessary for lifelong success and provides a forum for updates and discussions on industry trends. Students are given the opportunity to network with peers and leaders in the agriculture industry as well as increase their excitement about the future of agriculture by creating awareness about career opportunities in agriculture.
The AFA Leaders Conference is a four-track program designed to offer college men and women four different personal and professional development opportunities spread across and matched to their years in college.
Jordan Bonham and Meghan Bennett, seniors in agricultural communication, served on the Student Advisory Team for the 2015 Leaders Conference. The AFA Student Advisory Team serves as organization ambassadors, assists staff in the planning and facilitation of the Leaders Conference and related events, and acts as student advisors for the organization. Additionally, AFA Student Advisory Team members assume the same responsibilities as a Campus Ambassador when it comes to the health of AFA relationships on their campus.
Students majoring in agricultural communication, agriscience education and community leadership attending the 2015 AFA Leaders Conference include:
Caroline Battin, agricultural communication
Meghan Bennett, agricultural communication
Karigan Blue, agricultural communication
Jordan Bonham, agricultural communication
Kelley Dickman, agricultural communication
Brianna Gwirtz, agricultural communication
Audrey Hoey, community leadership
Scott McDermott, community leadership
Summer McLain, agriscience education
Micah Mensing, agriscience education
Mallorie Wippel, agricultural communication