By: Megan Besancon
Agricultural Communication
Agricultural Communication
This summer I was the Communications/Marketing Intern for COBA/Select Sires here in Columbus. I first learned about my internship at the Spring 2015 CFAES Career Expo and I am so glad that I did! This internship gave me a variety of new and fun experiences, from being a “cow photographer” to completing daily office work.
One of my favorite parts about my internship were the people I worked with, both in the office and out in the field. Everyone was super friendly and taught me all that they could, from my supervisor and the other communication assistants, to the technicians and sales managers I shadowed out in the field.
I had a lot of fun utilizing my design and photography skills with several projects. I designed posters, postcards, advertisements, and countless flyers to send out to customers. One of my favorite projects was when I traveled home to Wayne County to take photos at a local farm in order to design a banner for the Dairy Twilight Tour. I also shadowed the A.I. technicians and I learned how to breed a cow!
I learned how to update files, distribute mail, send out reports, and I even had the chance to experience Proof Week, where everyone in the office updated all of the price and product lists. I did a lot of printing and laminating that week! I can now say that I am a pro at running all sorts of office machinery.
This summer was very enlightening for me. As a girl from a small beef farm, I did not know a lot about the dairy industry, and I can happily say that I do now! I also learned the real value of office work, because even if it is not the most glamorous job, it is still a very necessary and important part of any business. This internship also cemented the fact that my major, Agricultural Communication, is the right fit for me. I’m proud to be a Buckeye, because being a student at The Ohio State University gave me the chance to have a fun and educational summer!