Study Abroad – Honduras

Eleven students, faculty, and staff from our Department are studying abroad in Honduras for the next two weeks.

As part of this trip, students will be given an opportunity to learn about Honduran issues related to agriculture, education and international development through community outreach and education about agricultural needs and practices. A major project will be to create learning modules and work with local, Spanish-speaking instructors, to teach local residents how to create a community garden.

You can follow along with their experiences by visiting the Honduras Study Abroad Blog at

Students make a hoop house with an irrigation system.

Students make a hoop house with an irrigation system.

All of the students who built the hoop house.

All of the students who built the hoop house.

Students helped build a fence around the garden shed.

Students helped build a fence around the garden shed.

After a long day of working, students enjoyed smoothies.

After a long day of working, students enjoyed smoothies.

Emily poses with angel wings on one of the buildings in the city.

Emily poses with angel wings on one of the buildings in the city.

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