Megan Moorman, of Xenia, Ohio has been selected as one of 20 nominees to win the Outstanding Seniors Award from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. Also known as Top 20 Seniors, this award recognizes students for both academic achievement and outstanding service through leadership within student organizations.
Megan, the daughter of Dale and Jodi Moorman, is a graduating senior in Agriscience Education. Megan has been involved in the Agricultrual Education Society and Aplha Zeta Partners Agricultural Honorary. She also served as a leader in both of these groups.
Upon graduation she plans to teach high school agriculture at Westfall High School in Williamsport, Ohio. The Outstanding Seniors Award was presented at the 2015 CFAES Recognition Banquet on April 16, 2015.