By: Craig Higbea
Defiance, Ohio
Agriscience Education
The men of Delta Theta Sigma (DTS) social/ professional agricultural fraternity once again this year ran the recycling program at Farm Science Review. We took the time as members to drive out there whenever we did not have class to pick up cardboard, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles.
Recycling at Farm Science Review is one of the things that we do annually as community service. The amount of recycling that is picked up throughout a day is amazing to me. The men of DTS, pick up two to three of the huge dumpsters heaped over the top with recyclables. Also we go before the review starts in order to put up signs and bag all of the recycle cans. The cans are also in groups so we spread them out after we bag the cans. Then most of the time is spent driving around and checking the recycle cans and picking up card board sat out by the paths. I believe that this is one of the best community service projects that we do. This not only helps the earth but it helps the earth through a farm show which also supports our focus as a fraternity.
Also the involvement of DTS does not end at Farm Science Review with recycling project, as we had three members in BLOCK for Agriscience Education. These gentlemen taught activities and gave tours at the natural resources area. We also have a member who works year round for Farm Science Review, working to get the grounds ready.
Craig wrote this blog post as an in class assignment for the agricultural communication 2367 writing course. All opinions are his own.