This post originally appeared on the CFAES Student Blog. Please check out their posts by other students from all areas of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
By: Meghan Bennett
Houston, OH
Agricultural Communication
In today’s professional world, internships are a must have experience for any college student, no matter their major or interests. But I feel especially lucky for the opportunity to work in Beck’s marketing department this summer. I not only gained exceptional field experience, but found out what it means to be a part of a family-owned company.
My responsibilities ranged from helping create content for monthly newsletters, social media posts, and advertising materials to developing a press release and gathering customer testimonials. A major project and one I truly enjoyed was my weekly Intern Avenue post on the Beck’s Blog. This blog serves as a journal for my summer spent with Beck’s.
Most importantly, I learned that sometimes life is not always about taking the road most traveled, but building your own path along the way. With that being said, I am so happy to share that my role with Beck’s will continue as I’ll be working part-time while attending school. This means that not only will I continue to work for Beck’s, but I will also continue my Intern Avenue blog posts.
Thanks to both the Beck Family and the Beck’s family of employees who have touched my heart this summer and made it possible for college students like myself to not only better themselves, but also the future of agriculture.