Connor Weyrick
- First-year Chemical Engineering major at The Ohio State University
- Roles include focusing on technical documentation and website updates for progress and accuracy of the project
- Contact Information:
- Email –
- Phone – (330) 888-3414
Bryce Baumgardner
[Photo of Bryce]
- First-year Aerospace Engineering major at The Ohio State University
- Roles include major brainstorming, outside researching, and vehicle development
- Contact Information:
- Email –
- Phone – (937) 244-7492
Christopher Vargas
- First-year Engineering major at The Ohio State University
- Roles include hands-on construction, redefining, programming, and testing of the vehicle
- Contact Information:
- Email –
- Phone – (419) 366-1024
Garrett Stickley
[Photo of Garrett]
- Third-year Agricultural Engineering major at The Ohio State University
- Roles include hands-on construction, redefining, programming, and testing of the vehicle
- Contact Information:
- Email –
- Phone – (937) 408-9803