Concept Screening & Scoring

Concept Sceening

Concept Scoring



Completing the concept screening matrix helped the team eliminate ideas on how to construct and design the AEV. The concept screening matrix helped combine each team members ideas and concepts in order to come up with two designs to continue with which were both better than the original team design. The was determined by comparing each individual design and the team design to the reference AEV through symbols. The symbols included a positive sign which meant the design was better than the reference AEV, a negative sign which meant the sign was worse than the reference design, and lastly a zero which meant that the design was equal or neutral to the reference design. After the concept screening matrix was completed the concept scoring matrix was performed. This matrix provided a better resolution than the screening matrix. Also the scoring matrix provides a better definition of the concepts and ideas, and also helps define the final project. The scoring matrix is more important when it comes to selecting a design because the weight score provides a more clear representation on which design is the best. However, the concept screening matrix can be more effective if it is a small project and the main goal is just to eliminate a couple ideas. All of the individual designs of the AEV had a better stability rating than the reference AEV, unlike the team design which was very unstable when tested. Emily and Kamila’s designs both had minimal blockage, and were rated better than the reference AEV. Both Alyssa and Jiayu’s designs had worse ratings that the reference AEV for minimal blockage, maintenance, and durability. Therefore, these two designs should not be carried forward. The two AEV concepts that will be carried forward in the design cycle are Kamilia and Emily’s designs considering they had the best ratings in both matrices.