In the battery testing group L performed several trials using the same battery, code, and AEV design. After 8 runs a general trend was determined between both the battery voltage and test runs and the battery voltage and distance. Attached below are the plots from the battery testing.
- Table for recording distance and voltage
- Plot: Battery Voltage vs. Test Runs
- Plot: Batter Voltage vs. Distance
- Code used to test AEV
For the battery test part, Team L made two separate plots of Voltage vs. Number of test runs and Voltage vs. Distance. The line chart displays the relationship between voltage and number of test runs. The horizontal axis represents the number of test runs and the vertical axis represents the voltage for each run. For the first two runs, the voltage kept same. From the third run to the seventh run, the voltage kept decreasing, but kept the same at the last run. The scattered plot displays the relationship between voltage and distance. According to the plot, it is easy to find that in the range from 8.34 V to 8.39 V, the distance is from 244 in to 256 in. Based on a sample calculation, the average distance of this test is 249.375 in. and the average battery voltage is 8.365 V. Based on the plots above, Team L knew that for a better performance AEV, the battery needs to be fully charged before every test. The more test runs ran, the worse the battery performs.