Alumni Spotlight: Allen Auck ’83, ’99 MS

Allen Auck completed a bachelor of science in agricultural education in 1983 and a master of sicence in 1999. Auck currently works for Ohio 4-H Youth Development as a program manager for events and activities.
[ACEL]: Hi Allen! Why did you select a major in agricultural education?
[Auck]: I chose agricultural education because I had an interest in teaching.
Why did you choose to attend The Ohio State University?
Ohio State was one of only two colleges that offered the agricultural education major.
What were you involved in as an Ohio State student:
I was involved in Collegiate 4-H, Agricultural Education Society and I worked basketball inter-murals as an official.
What was your first job following your education at Ohio State?
My first job following my education at Ohio State was a vocational agriculture instructor.
Throughout your career, where have you worked?
Bluffton Exempt Village Schools, Erie County 4-H Camps and The Ohio State University.
During your career, have you received any awards or honors? If so, what are those?
Distinguished Service Award, 4-H,
Meritorious Service Award, 4-H, 25 year award.

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