Support for Mental Health in the Thick of the Season

White flowers of the common bean plant Phaseolus coccineus growing in the garden on a trellis against the blue sky and sunlight

Farming can take a toll on your mental health and wellbeing, and when the season ramps up, it may feel like you don’t have the time or the energy to prioritize these needs. If you are looking for space to connect with peers about managing stress and supporting mental health and wellbeing for both farm owners and farm employees, consider participating in a virtual group discussion on August 3 from 7:30pm ET – 9:00pm ET (6:30pm – 8:00pm CT).

Bridget Britton, Behavioral Health Field Specialist with The Ohio State University Extension, will get the conversation started and share resources as the discussion unfolds. Bring your questions, experiences, and tips while also holding space for others to share.

Space is limited to keep this discussion more intimate. It will not be recorded. Farm owners, farmworkers, and farm adjacent professionals are welcome to attend. This event is planned by FairShare CSA Coalition and Midwest Vegetable Growers Network.

Register through this link.

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