Grafting, In-row Spacing, and Total Seasonal Nitrogen Effects on Watermelon Yield and Quality

Growers, seed, grafted plant, and fertilizer suppliers, extension-research personnel, and others are interested in identifying if, where, and how grafted plants may fit in vegetable production toolboxes. Those questions can be answered reliably only after the performance of grafted plants is documented under a range of management schemes because it is possible that standard production practices may need to be altered to account for the influence of rootstocks. Plant spacing (i.e., population density per acre) and fertilizer application rates (e.g., total seasonal nitrogen applied) are two variables likely to influence (grafted) plant performance; therefore, they have many peoples’ attention, including ours.

With USDA-SCRI program support, we began studying these variables at a preliminary level in 2018 and more thoroughly in 2019. Experiments started in 2019 are being repeated in 2020.

Data collection begins with tracking crop development and concludes with laboratory analyses of fruit quality. The experiments provide an opportunity to analyze fruit yield and quality as influenced by grafting, scion, spacing, and N level. In 2019, soilborne disease did not appear to be a factor and grand mean total cumulative fruit yield (ton/acre) values were: a) 32.5 (ungrafted ‘Fascination’), b) 25.0 (ungrafted ‘Jade Star’), c) 42.6 (grafted ‘Fascination’), and d) 47.7 (grafted ‘Jade Star’); these values include data for all density and N rate treatments. Analyzing data collected in both study years more thoroughly will provide a more reliable assessment of the influence of grafting, in-row spacing (4 or 5 ft), and total seasonal N application (100, 120, or 142 lb/acre) on watermelon fruit yield and quality.

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