Downy mildew has still not been confirmed on pumpkins and squash in Ohio, although the disease is widespread on cucumbers and melons throughout most of the state. This is the time of year when we really start to look for downy mildew on squash and pumpkins, as strains of the pathogen that attack these crops move into the area from the south, usually aided by remnants of hurricanes or tropical storms that reach Ohio. Remnants of tropical storm Harvey are likely to reach southern Ohio at least by Friday. Downy mildew spores can be transmitted long distances in the air, and are brought to the surface by rain. We are particularly concerned with outbreaks reported in Kentucky on butternut squash this week (, an indication that the pathogen is established in the area and can serve as a source of inoculum for areas to the north and east. Growers in southern Ohio should be especially vigilant, although we recommend stepped-up scouting of pumpkins and squash, and application of protectant fungicides, throughout the state. Fungicide recommendations can be found in my June 28 post.