Vegetable Grafting: Why and How

Research and experience continue to reveal conditions under which using grafted plants during the production of tomato, melon, and other Solanaceous and Cucurbit crops — in open fields and high tunnels — can pay (it is already standard in greenhouse production). These conditions and grafting process are described in a free guide ( developed over years with input from many.  Additional information and a link to a listserv about vegetable grafting that may be especially useful for advanced grafted plant users, consultants, and extension personnel are available, another portal developed with Ohio- and U.S.-wide input. On April 24, students in OSU-ATI 2570 (Plant Propagation) taught by Dr. Uttara Samarakoon received hands-on training in preparing grafted tomato plants at the OARDC. For more information, contact Matt Kleinhenz (330.263.3810;

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