Do you like eggs? Because it’s time to Scramble. Scarlet Scramble, that is!

I know SO MUCH about Ohio State!

I LOVE free stuff!

I have SO MANY (read: at least 5) friends who are first years!

If you have had any of those thoughts (and let’s face it, you know you have had all of them), you probably have also thought,

“I really wish Ohio State had an event where I could win prizes by exploring campus and the city of Columbus in a competition with my friends!”

Guess what?!?

THERE IS!!!! And it’s sponsored by First Year Experience. I’ll give you a minute to contain your excitement.

The Scarlet Scramble is a 24-hour challenge that take teams all around campus and the city of Columbus. The teams will have to compete in:

Head-to-Head Challenges

Maybe it’s a feat of physical strength, like a tug-of-war. Maybe it’s a feat of mental strength, like eating 3 Sloopy’s pancakes. Either way, you’ll stare your enemy (ahem, other Scarlet Scramble teams) right in the eyes for these challenges.

Trivia Questions

Quick, how many All-American Ohio State football players have there been? What’s the address of this building? Earn valuable points by answering questions like these.

Photo Clues

Know where the Hippie Brutus is? Can you find a member of the Ohio State Police Department who will pose with you in an O-H-I-O photo? Plaster on that smile and get ready to take some memorable and creative photos to earn points during the Scramble.

“But what about sleeeeeeeeep?”

Well, first of all, watch this clip and replace “water” with “sleep“.

The Scarlet Scramble takes place from 6 p.m. on March 28th until 6 p.m. on March 29th, but don’t worry! No clues will be handed out between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m., so you’ll have plenty of time for your beauty sleep.

“Whoa. That sounds seriously cool! How do I get involved?”


1. Craft a team.

Not assemble, not find, not scrape together. A well-crafted team will balance speed, dexterity, acumen, and panache, much like the 1996 Bulls. Only two requirements:

  • 5-10 people can be on each team
  • At least 5 members of the team must be first-year students

2. Register your team online using the access code scramble14.

The registration fee is only $50. Now, I’m not a math major, but…

$50/10 team members = $5

If you’re having trouble understanding what this means, it’s only $5 per participant!

This is also when you put your team name in, so come up with a good one! If you need help, check this link out.

AND THAT’S IT! Two easy steps to 24 hours of fun. Registration begins now through March 7th and is on a first come, first serve basis. For more information, please visit the Scarlet Scramble page on the FYE website or contact me at!

Can’t wait to see you all on the 28th!

TRANSFERable Advice

It was that feeling all over again that you get when you’re moving from kindergarten to first grade or middle school to high school. Am I going to fit in? Am I going to get lost? Am I going to succeed? After leaving a small university of only 3,500 undergraduate students (with only three stop lights in the entire town!), I was somewhat nervous to begin another phase of my life at a school of about 60,000 students.

I started my first day like any other, except this time my mom wasn’t there to hold my hand like she did when I got on the bus for first grade, and my friends weren’t there to walk with me in between classes. I was alone.  I had to make the transition by myself and deal with such a large campus and a completely different environment. I remember the whole first week of classes I had no idea where I was going…just walking around randomly hoping to find the right building or using a map on the phone but pretending that I was just on Facebook so I didn’t stick out as the “new” kid. After the first week I was asking myself, “did I make the right decision?”.

I kept contemplating that question in my head throughout the next week until I received an email. I remember opening the email expecting it to be spam or something that I probably wouldn’t be interested in. The email was talking about opportunities to attend lunches and dinners with a group that called themselves TSAB (Transfer Student Activities Board). I kept going back and forth in my head whether this was even worth my time. What if it’s awkward or what if no one even goes? I finally convinced myself to go and I honestly believe that it is why I really do feel like a Buckeye and have embraced the change.

TSAB is more than just a group that puts on activities and gives you something to do during the week. This group makes you realize you aren’t alone in your transition from schools or the work force. You’re able to build connections with not only the board members but other undergraduate students in similar situations. Everyone has a different story to tell but at the same time everyone can relate to that initial feeling of being overwhelmed or scared of such a large school.

I am now currently a board member for TSAB and it has been an experience I would not trade for the world. I love being able to hear all of the different stories that different transfer students have and being able to help them transition to Ohio State. There’s nothing better than realizing you’ve made an impact on someone’s life, no matter how small.

Transfer students: I now encourage you to take that next step, whether you’ve been here for multiple semesters or only one. Come to one of the TSAB events this semester.  I promise that you will no be disappointed if you come in willing to make connections and to just have fun. There’s usually FREE food too, so why wouldn’t you come? Also, if you end up enjoying the TSAB events and are interested in making an impact on someone’s life, I encourage you to submit an application to become a board member for TSAB! Our applications will be available next week, so check the FYE website for more details soon.

Our next TSAB event is Improv Night on Sunday, Feb. 16th @ 8 p.m. in the Cartoon Room of the Ohio Union. Keep in the loop about all our events and activities by following us on Facebook and Twitter!

I now accept and embrace that I am a Buckeye.  Yes, I am technically a transfer student and I enjoy telling my story, but I also don’t let that alienate me.  I am part of the Buckeye family now; I am no longer alone.





Taste of O. S. Who?

Where else in the world could you experience authentic Polish sausage, delicious Moroccan meatballs, or some of the best Tikka Masala you’ve ever had while watching intricate performances of dances from around the world? Would it surprise you to learn that this type of unique experience happens on Ohio State’s campus, year after year? This event is known none other than The

Every year, the Office of International Affairs in collaboration with the office of Student Life puts on one of Ohio State’s most popular events, The Taste of OSU. This signature event is said to be a celebration of the many diverse cultures that are represented at The Ohio State University. More than 30 student organizations attend, bringing forth their own unique performances and cuisine that represent cultures from around the world. Ohio State students and staff alike have been raving about this event since its inaugural year in 1997. It has grown immensely since the first event held in Oxley Hall, which hailed only about 60 attendees. Here we are, 14 years later and The Taste of OSU has become one of campus’s most liked events, drawing over 4,000 attendees.

This year, the event will be held on Friday, February 7th from 5 to 9 pm in the Ohio Union. The event is completely FREE to attend and is open to all students, faculty, staff, alumni and family. The many student organizations will be preparing their own food as a representation of their culture. While all of the smells, sights and sounds are free, attendees can purchase samplings of the cuisine for only $1. All of the organizations had to go through a selection process to bring forth their cuisine so you can be sure that all of the samplings will be DELICIOUS. 

This event is definitely worth your time! If you don’t believe me, a person who has yet to have to chance to attend this event, here’s a description of the event in the words of an Ohio State student:

” The taste of OSU allowed me to experience the cultures and traditions of many groups on campus that I do not interact with on a regular basis. Their displays showcased their cultural pride and the food was of course, delicious! ”  

This year, some of the student organizations that are participating are the Chinese American Student Association, the Organization of Arab Students, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society and the Polish Club, just to name a few. While it may seem that this event is centered on ethnic cuisine, it should also be noted that many of the organizations participating in the event are preparing performances that are sure to capture your attention. Some of the cultural performances will be preformed by J2KThe African Youth League, and the Armenian Student Association, again, just to name a few. To find out more information about this event and a complete list of the participating student organizations, you can go here.

I (along with many other Ohio State students) would highly recommend that you attend this event…if not this Friday, then sometime during your time at Ohio State.

Prepare your taste buds for an explosion of flavor and truly enjoy this worldly experience! 

You Mean to Tell Me You’re Not from Ohio?

Let me start by saying we’re all united as Buckeyes. That said, for those of us from outside the borders of Ohio, there are some challenges that native Ohioans may not quite understand. But never fear, I have some solutions that you will make you feel right at home in no time!

Problem: You pay a higher tuition than anyone born and bred in Ohio. This is a downfall of going to a school in a different state, but we got to do what we got to do. It’s worth it.

Solution: Check out the Wellness Center in the RPAC for budgeting information if those student loans are starting to freak you out. You can also still apply for scholarships even though you’re already in college. It’s true, and I know what you’re thinking, “I just got into college writing a bunch of essays, and now you want me to write more?!” Well…yes. But think about it this way: you could essentially be paid to write down your thoughts, so go get ’em!


Problem: Ohioans can recite all 88 counties of Ohio in alphabetical order, but you barely know how to spell Cincinnati.

Solution: Take some time to get to know your new home state! Cedar Point, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, and Lake Erie are my personal favorites. Don’t have a car? Keep reading to find out some awesome things to do right here in Columbus!


Problem: Homesickness. Everyone experiences this, even if they don’t admit it.

Solution: When you’re feeling blue, try to do things that remind you of home, like cooking a favorite meal or watching your favorite show. It also helps to think about the things you have here at Ohio State that you don’t have at home. Not sure about you, but my hometown doesn’t have Big Ten sporting events or the RPAC. Nor do you have any chance of running into Aaron Craft on the Oval. If your town has any of these things, please comment below so I can come visit.


Problem: While some of your friends can go home whenever they want, you’re a plane, train, and/or automobile away from your house.

Solution: Take the weekends when your friends are away to explore Columbus. Check out the North Market, a Blue Jackets game, or get some Jeni’s ice cream! You can also check out Buckeye Beyond Ohio events to meet some new out-of-state friends (and there’s usually free food!)


Well my fellow out-of-staters (and I suppose even you Ohioans), I hope this list has given you some ideas on how to feel more at home here in Columbus. It may all still be a little overwhelming, but I assure you the longer you’re here, the more you’re going to fall in love (how could you not?!).



Quick Guide to Getting a Campus Job

We’ve all been there. 

You’re going through the semester eating lots of 20¢ pasta, trying to make your money last as long as possible, but now you’re running low on cash!? It’s time to kick it in gear and get a job! On-campus jobs are a great way to stay involved and connected to the university, even if you live off campus.

On-campus jobs come with a lot of benefits:

• Flexible scheduling

• Little to no experience required

• Expectation that school comes first

• Meet other awesome Ohio State students

• Possible free food! (Half of the reason to ever do anything in college…)

• Easy transportation/commuting options

× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

Things to Consider:

1. Do you qualify for Work Study?

– Check on your Buckeyelink account to see if you qualify. Certain jobs require students to be in Work Study in order to get the job. If you are a part of Work Study there is a specific website with available jobs on the Student Financial Aid website. Click on the “Jobs” tab and a drop down box will show “Work Study”

2. Are you an International student?

Refer to this website for specific information regarding the number of hours you are eligible to work on-campus

2. How much time do you have to work?

– Pay attention to how many hours each position expects you to work. Make sure you can manage your schedule so you’re not too stressed! Also consider clubs, activities, friends, study sessions, significant others, etc. that also take up time!

3. Do you know anyone who works on campus?

– Ask them how they found their job, if the place they work is hiring or what it is like. The saying, “It’s all about who you know” is SO true when it comes to job searches.

4. What kinds of jobs are available?

– Students can work as research assistants, in the libraries, at information desks, or any dining service on campus.  These are just a few of the many positions available.

 5. Where do you apply for jobs anyway??

– On-campus DINING jobs can be applied for here:

– Other On-campus jobs can be listed here:

Also look out for emails from your college or advisors that advertise for different positions needed within your major!

6. What if I don’t get the job?

– Keep applying! It’s possible that your schedule conflicted with the hours they needed someone to work. There are many more places to consider applying. It can be time consuming but it will be worth it the second you land that job!

× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

It is important to remember no job is fun 100% of the time, that’s why it is called a job. There are ways to make it better though. Find out if the places you spend most of your time on campus are hiring. Also, remember working with friends can also make it more enjoyable too!

Lastly, if on-campus jobs aren’t quite what you’re looking for – another option to consider is off-campus jobs. Plenty of places around campus are hiring year-round. These jobs can be just as flexible and considerate that you’re a student first and foremost.

Now get to… 

Watch Britney Spears' "Work Bitch" video, and check out our GIF wall!


Avoiding a Spring Semester Slump

It’s about that time in the semester (and mid-polar vortex) that you want to permanently apply sweatpants to your body and never leave your bed, right? WELL THAT’S JUST TOO DARN BAD! There are classes to attend, opportunities to explore and new friends to be made! You can’t spend spring semester snoozing away!

So now that you think that I am way too perky to handle, let’s get back to reality. It’s cold, life sucks and it’s hard to remember what motivation feels like. I know. The struggle of getting out of bed when it is -8° and feels like -10,000° is so real. But Buckeyes, you must persevere! Spring semester is simply Round 2 of your first year and so important for you to be fully engaged. Don’t lose your motivation to succeed and explore the amazing university that you call your home.

5 Easy Tips to Stay Motivated

1)      Set Small Goals

Imagine what you want to have accomplished by the end of your first year as a Buckeye. Is that making the Dean’s List, figuring out the right major for you or becoming involved in one organization? Going back to the cold, maybe that means not skipping those 8 a.m. classes all semester…14 weeks of 8 a.m.classes…

Once you’ve got that, break it down into smaller goals that you can achieve on your way to the big one! Maybe that means going to one prof’s office hours each week, emailing two clubs to find out more information or only letting yourself hit snooze once per morning. Celebrate the accomplishments of these small goals!

2)      Organize Your Time

Organization is key to being a successful Buckeye, so put some effort into organizing your schedule! Having that Dates & Data planner written out each week prevents those last-minute panics of forgetting assignments or missing that awesome OUAB event that you heard about. Perhaps you didn’t plan time to hang out with your new friends or workout and now you’re feeling some major blues.

Just think how many calories I could burn if I exercised as much as I pin!

Organizing your time into a healthy work-play balance will keep that stress level down and on-track for an awesome semester!

3)      Find Inspiration

Sometimes it may feel like you’re slogging through your week-to-week schedule, but remember the reasons why you came to Ohio State in the first place. Most people had multiple goals: obtain that college degree, branch out on your own, make new friends, the list goes on. Be sure to remember the inspiration that will carry you through this semester and remember the big picture! And hey, if you wanna do some daily affirmations in the mirror just make sure no one else is listening at the bathroom door.

Red Dot | Cat Meme

4)      Develop a Support Group

As Buckeyes, we’re all part of a BIG family. We crave social support to lead happy lives and our friends and family can be that support system! Forming study groups in your classes or recruiting that one friend on your floor to join you once a week at the RPAC spinning class will help give you that extra motivation to achieve your goals. Besides, doesn’t it feel good to know that someone actually cares when they ask you how you’re doing today?

5)      Believe in Yourself

Finally, believe in yourself! Buckeyes are all here for a reason. Someone believed that you could go to Ohio State and be successful. Maybe that was a parent, high school teacher or even one of our admissions officers. Take their confidence and instill it into your little Scarlet & Gray heart!

You CAN stay motivated and finish out your first year as a Buckeye to make it the best it can be. Believe that you alone have the power to take this experience to new heights – besides, everyone else can only dream about how great it is to be a Buckeye. You actually get to live it. Don’t hate us cuz we go to the Best Damn School in the Land.

Sorry not sorry.