We’ve all been there.
You’re going through the semester eating lots of 20¢ pasta, trying to make your money last as long as possible, but now you’re running low on cash!? It’s time to kick it in gear and get a job! On-campus jobs are a great way to stay involved and connected to the university, even if you live off campus.
On-campus jobs come with a lot of benefits:
• Flexible scheduling
• Little to no experience required
• Expectation that school comes first
• Meet other awesome Ohio State students
• Possible free food! (Half of the reason to ever do anything in college…)
• Easy transportation/commuting options
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Things to Consider:
1. Do you qualify for Work Study?
– Check on your Buckeyelink account to see if you qualify. Certain jobs require students to be in Work Study in order to get the job. If you are a part of Work Study there is a specific website with available jobs on the Student Financial Aid website. Click on the “Jobs” tab and a drop down box will show “Work Study”
2. Are you an International student?
Refer to this website for specific information regarding the number of hours you are eligible to work on-campus
2. How much time do you have to work?
– Pay attention to how many hours each position expects you to work. Make sure you can manage your schedule so you’re not too stressed! Also consider clubs, activities, friends, study sessions, significant others, etc. that also take up time!
3. Do you know anyone who works on campus?
– Ask them how they found their job, if the place they work is hiring or what it is like. The saying, “It’s all about who you know” is SO true when it comes to job searches.
4. What kinds of jobs are available?
– Students can work as research assistants, in the libraries, at information desks, or any dining service on campus. These are just a few of the many positions available.
5. Where do you apply for jobs anyway??
– On-campus DINING jobs can be applied for here: food.osu.edu/jobs/
– Other On-campus jobs can be listed here: sfa.osu.edu/jobs/
– Also look out for emails from your college or advisors that advertise for different positions needed within your major!
6. What if I don’t get the job?
– Keep applying! It’s possible that your schedule conflicted with the hours they needed someone to work. There are many more places to consider applying. It can be time consuming but it will be worth it the second you land that job!
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It is important to remember no job is fun 100% of the time, that’s why it is called a job. There are ways to make it better though. Find out if the places you spend most of your time on campus are hiring. Also, remember working with friends can also make it more enjoyable too!
Lastly, if on-campus jobs aren’t quite what you’re looking for – another option to consider is off-campus jobs. Plenty of places around campus are hiring year-round. These jobs can be just as flexible and considerate that you’re a student first and foremost.
Now get to…