Phones and other things that have improved since 1997

With the end of February comes an opportunity to look back in reflection. In this case, I’m looking back 17 years to February 1997, when I was in the middle of my second term as a first-year student at Ohio State. Most of you were infants or toddlers. I’m okay with that. Because now, you are in your first year at Ohio State, and you are in the middle of your second term at Ohio State, and you get to benefit from my 30-something interpretation of my ’90s girl experiences.

My landline phone

Until recently, residence hall rooms came equipped with a landline phone, typically with a phone number that started with 688. Since the vast majority of us did not have cell phones, the landline phone was how we called home and each other. In my freshman year, we had to supply our own answering machine to go with our landline phone. The answering machine I shared with my roommate, Jen, looked like this:


One day in late February, I returned from class to our room in Mack Hall and I press the blue “play” button to hear our messages, and I hear a message from a friend something along the lines of the following:

Hey Nicole, not sure what’s going on with your outgoing message or if this is even your machine, but we’re all going to dinner at Kennedy Commons tonight if you want to join us. Bye!

Outgoing message? I was perplexed. So I listened to our outgoing message. As it turned out, Jen (who I think is like 1/16 Irish) had decided to celebrate the upcoming Saint Patrick’s Day holiday with this little gem (in a horrific Irish accent):

Top o’the morning to you! We leprechauns aren’t home right now because we’re off looking for our lucky charms, but leave us a message and we’ll be sure to get back to you!

I was humiliated. But, things got better: the following year, University Housing began to include voicemail along with the landline phone, and each roommate had their own access to a voicemail box. To leave a message for Nicole, press one.

Ross & Rachel break up

I challenge you to find a bigger Friends fan than yours truly, and my fanaticism has existed since college. In February 1997, Friends was in the middle of its third season, and in the last episode in February (because February is a sweeps month) Ross and Rachel, American’s most beloved TV couple, break up. I. WAS. DEVASTATED.

I must have sent a dozen emails back and forth to my best friend – also an avid Friends fan who was a freshman at the University of Dayton – through which we would create hypothetical scenarios and elaborate plot schemes that would reunite this fictional couple.

But, it got better. The next year, at the end of season four, Chandler and Monica got together. In my opinion, their relationship was far superior to Ross and Rachel’s relationship.

My class schedule

In my second term at Ohio State, my class schedule consisted of only General Education courses: Astronomy 1161, History 1151, and Psychology 1100. I hated all of them. I was a Journalism major (at the time), and I struggled to find the connection among the classes or to my major (in retrospect, I probably should have seen the History connection). I suffered through my second term (and my grades suffered, too) because I was uninspired by the course material and unmotivated to master the subject matter. I was plotting my crusade against the General Education curriculum until…it got better.

The following autumn, I took a political science class and a Spanish class that not only prompted me to become a Spanish minor, but also helped me to value the General Education curriculum. So astronomy wasn’t my cup of tea, and I didn’t “get” psychology. But had I not experienced those classes, along with classes that I did enjoy, I wouldn’t have had a holistic experience from which to discover my passion and interests, or to clarify my dislikes. There are people who are meant to be astronomers and psychologists; I was meant to be an English major. I learned that through my General Education.

Tell me what you want (what you really really want)

The end of February 1997 began a four-week run of “Wannabe” (Spice Girls) at the top of the Billboard charts.

But it got better? “My Heart Will Go On” (Celine Dion) topped the charts in February 1998.

Here’s hoping that today is the worst day of the rest of your life. Have a great weekend, Buckeyes!

The OUABest Experiences!

Wait a second, why are you on this website? Are you bored or something?!  Never fear, I am hear to tell you about the great opportunities that Ohio State and more specifically, OUAB has to offer.

Now you should be like, “Hmmm I’m listening.”


(feline representation of YOU)

To begin, OUAB stands for the Ohio Union Activities Board, and this organization helps provide diverse programs and events that are educational, entertaining, and thought provoking for the students of the Columbus campus.  More importantly, they bring cool events, free food and CELEBRITIES.

Your reaction:


Okay, first off stop being so sassy this is all true!!!

Let me tell you some upcoming events for OUAB!

March 2nd 2 p.m. Archie M. Griffin West Ballroom

Reinventing Radio with Ira Glass








March 3rd 7:30 p.m. Performance Hall

Performance Painter David Garibaldi


March 6 7:30 p.m. Archie M. Griffin East Ballroom

Breaking Good: Raising Awareness with RJ Mitte


You can BET that I will be at all of these events! Just click on the link if you want more information!

Now go, entertain yourselves with these OUAB events., and while you are at it, go find OUAB on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even the OUABlog!

Thank you and until next time, stay classy people. Here’s a treat for all of you that stayed to read everything <3



Coming Out When Coming To Ohio State

So it’s your first year. There are probably so many things going on that you barely have time to think. If you are like I was, your views on the world are probably changing and you are beginning to find out who you really are. And I am sure that for many of you, that means discovering your true sexual orientation. If you happen to be in this situation, here are four things to keep in mind when accepting yourself and coming out:

1)   Come out when you are ready

I have heard so many people tell others to come out before it’s “too late”. Well, it’s actually never too late. Whether you come out at 20 or 40, it doesn’t matter, as long at you think it’s the right time for you. Personally, I came out when I was 15 years old and although it was young, it was the right time for me. Just keep in mind – you are never going to be completely comfortable telling somebody for the first time. You just have to take that risk, no matter what age you are.

2)   Don’t let other people tell you how to act

Being gay does not define you, nor anyone else, as a person. The concept that you have to act a certain way if you are gay is completely a myth and based on misguided stereotypes. It was a concept that I unfortunately believed in when I first came out and it really held me back from truly accepting who I was. Most importantly, remember that being gay is only a single part of you; it does not reflect who you are or what you are able to do/accomplish in life.

3)   People are more accepting that you think

One of the most memorable parts of my high school career was during government class, where we were having a discussion about gay marriage. The class was full with people who ran track with me, and I didn’t exactly think they were the most accepting people. I walked in thinking “Oh here we go.” As I was expecting, I spoke openly about gay marriage and debated with a girl sitting across from me. Class ended and my track friends started should “You go Big B (my track nickname)!” and “You totally rocked that.” The moral of this story: don’t judge people just because you think they will judge you. The people who you think are least likely to be accepting are sometimes the most accepting.

4)   People are here to help you

When I first came out, I really didn’t have anyone to turn to and it really inhibited me from advancing in my life. Once I had a support system, it was easy to be who I wanted to be. Don’t be afraid to get involved with the gay community and take advantage of the Ohio State resources for LGBT students. I went to first-year LGBT cohort for my first year and it helped me to meet some of my best friends. There are amazing support systems available to you, and using these systems will really help in the coming out process. If you don’t want to use university resources, there are so many people around you who can help as well!

College is a time of so much change, and sometimes that change can be difficult. But with the amazing resources at Ohio State and the level of acceptance at the university, there will always be someone by your side to support you in your decisions. Above all, remember that life is a gift and there is no need to waste the gift living somebody else’s life. Just be the best you that you can be!

P.S. If you are straight and reading this, make sure to always be supportive to friends coming out and questioning their sexual orientation – it makes all the difference to them.



Letter to First Year Me

As I approach the end of my second year, I can already see how much has changed since nearly 365 days ago. Looking at what is different now and everything I’ve learned, here’s the letter of advice I would’ve appreciated a year ago today.

“Hey Connor,

It’s me. I mean, you. Well, you get the picture. At this point in your year, you probably feel like you’ve got it all figured out. Well, I hate to break it to you, but…you don’t.

And that’s perfectly okay. With just two months left of your first year, college life as you know it will be over. You won’t have a meal plan anymore, have an excuse to see the same people every single day, and you won’t be a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed first year anymore.

I’ve compiled a short list of things to keep in mind as the year draws to a close (and trust me, it will be over faster than you can imagine). Here are 5 key pieces of advice that I really could’ve used last year at this time:

1. Appreciate Residence Life (and that Meal Plan)

Since you’re one of the over 90 percent of first-year students who live on campus, you’re probably thinking, “I can’t wait to shower without shoes! My bed at home is calling my name. Ugh, I’m so annoyed with everyone.” But you need to stop. You are currently living with or among dozens of other people who are your age, going through exactly the same things. Soon, there will no longer be copious numbers of coeds at your disposal with whom to experience and share life. Have those random heart-to-hearts, stay up a few extra hours and bond with your floormates, and appreciate the on-campus experience while it lasts. Who knows, maybe the people you meet there will become you future roommates and lifelong friends. Additionally, that meal plan is so valuable and useful. Enjoy it before you run out of blocks. Seriously.

2. Take Pictures

Use your iPhone, a digital camera, a disposal camera from the CVS on High Street. Just take pictures. You’ll be glad you did later. Take one of your room in its natural state. Take one of you and the friends you sit around doing nothing with every single day. Maybe even take a selfie on the Oval (we’ve all done it). Screenshot the Snapchats, upload the Instagrams, and capture every moment. It’s great to show friends and family back home and also to be able to look back and remember the normal moments of your first year.

3. Go To Everything

My main regret from my first year was failing to go to the various free or discounted events held on campus or even utilizing all that was available to me. Stop stressing over an exam (which, let’s face it – “midterm season” is anytime between weeks 5 -13) or roommate drama or and do something. Take your friends on a spontaneous trip to Jeni’s in the Short North. Go to the OUAB Spring Concert. Go to a club meeting. Leave your bedroom/the library/the Union and experience all that Ohio State and Columbus have to offer.

4. Breathe

Stop what you’re doing and take a deep breath in… now breathe out. Repeat. Connor, stop stressing so much about everything. You’re going to pass your finals (yes, even the Biology one. I promise!). You’re going to stay in touch with all of your friends over the summer. You’re going to be okay. Your first year has been a whirlwind, but there’s still two whole months to spare. Spring break will be an amazing time to reflect and look back at all you’ve accomplished. What else do you want to do? Is it too late to register for a May term course? Are there any friends you want to spend time with before summer break? Just don’t panic. It’s not worth it. There’s still time, you’re still there, and you’ll be fine. You’ll be more than fine. Your first year will end like a wonderful finale.

5. Be Open

This is your first year of college. This is your time to be open to new experiences, people, and most importantly, yourself. Be open to vulnerability and trust that girl who lives down the hall. Be open to accepting that you failed that midterm, but that it won’t determine your entire grade. Be open to eating at Mirror Lake Creamery instead of Morrill Traditions. Be open to happiness, losing, making mistakes, trusting a friend, losing a friend, falling in love, changing your major, or becoming the person you’re meant to be. You only get one first year. Live it to the fullest.

With all the love and luck in the world,



KBKCSLS. Some of you may know exactly what I am talking about; others may be scratching their heads – perfectly okay. If you are anything like me in my first year, you are probably looking like


Lets be real – Ohio State is all about the really long acronyms. But ultimately, I think it would be a sin if you went through your whole first year at Ohio State and not check the Keith B Key Center for Student Leadership & Service. It is located on the second floor of the Ohio Union and it is a perfect spot for many reasons (in which I will describe below). Really, it truly is one of my favorite spots on campus!

The Center is a great place for any student to go to connect with others. One the reasons I love it so much is because it is always bustling with students who are very passionate about what they are doing. The Center is the home of over 60 student organization offices, and each organization is required to hold office hours weekly. If you were ever looking to get involved in a student org, you could always stop by their office and talk to a member about their experiences!

The CSLS is also home to Undergraduate Student Government (USG),  the sorority and fraternity councils, and Ohio Union Activities Board. It also houses cohorts through the Union such as Pay it Forward and Student Leadership Advocates. Pay it Forward is responsible for the numerous service opportunities that you get to take part in, such as MLK Day of Service and Community Commitment. Student Leadership Advocates is a group of students trained to facilitate workshops and retreats  for other student orgs.


(This is totally how I assume every Student Life employee at Ohio State feels like when they walk into the center).

So maybe you’re sitting there thinking, “Man, sounds cool, but I’m not sure why I would use that”. Well, think again my friend!


Many people seem to think that the Center is only for students holding office hours, but that is so not the case. There are plenty of study spaces in the center, as well as a resource room that you can utilize. The resource center is a craft-person’s dream – you can get anything from butcher block paper to balloons to pins for your backpack (remember all those nifty ones your Orientation Leader seemed to have? This is the spot.) Also, I just think the Center is really the “living room” of your student experience. As a first-year student, one of the things I missed most was having a couch – since one obviously didn’t fit in my resident hall room. The Center has a very homey atmosphere to hang out in and, thanks to USG, there is even a Mrs. Pacman machine you can play in between class! How fun is that?

Now I hope you are really excited to poke your head in and utilize the center, considering it is such an amazing resource for you as a student of Ohio State! Hope to see you there my friends!



Stepping Up Language Learning

In high school, learning languages sounded like the coolest thing to me…until I actually got into my French class. I was given a textbook full of random vocabulary and tons of grammar points that I had to learn. We were quizzed on the information weekly and tests came every month. The classes themselves weren’t great in structure. The teacher would just go over the grammar and pick our minds to see if we learned the new 25 vocabulary words assigned this week. After everybody was on track, we moved on…on to more grammar and another set of 25 vocabulary words. Oh, and this also went on for the next 4 years that I took French…

The problem wasn’t with the grammar or the vocabulary. Those two are the basis for language learning and are extremely important. The problem was that we weren’t using them at all, and so, everything that I just learned was gone within the next two weeks.

Instead of actually interacting with us and engaging the students, high school foreign language teachers at my high school would just talk in the foreign language. The way they got students involved was a rule that stated students couldn’t speak English. Yet, teachers almost always had a magical question you could ask in the foreign language to use English:

May I speak in English? Is English okay?

And this phrase really wasn’t hard to find! Usually it was at the top of a common phrase sheet or directly on the syllabus. I will admit that this kind of question is good for starting off in a language, but for some reason, this was good enough for teachers during my 5th year of the language. High school language learning was just not good for me…at all.

When I stepped into my Korean class at OSU, however, it was like a whole different world. The first day of actual class involved us getting up to recite a dialogue with another person in another language that we had to memorize the day before…


This was more talking in two days than I did in my whole first year of French…so maybe that’s a little bit of an exaggeration, but man, did it feel like I had actually accomplished something.

The good thing about most Asian languages at Ohio State is that they are all structured in a way that gets you talking and interacting in a foreign language. You memorize conversations, recite them in class, and apply what you learned from them to different situations. Some days you go over the grammar and vocabulary, but most of that stuff is done at home. The times you do go over them in class is just to reinforce ideas and get any questions you may have had out of the way. Which is great.

I had already learned some Korean on my own before I took the class, and it put me at an advantage during the first semester. However, come second semester, people are already beginning to catch up and my lead is slowly shrinking. It was amazing to watch how quickly the course is moving, but it was even more exhilarating watching how quickly the other students were progressing. I am actually quite jealous…but I don’t let it show.

Although I cannot speak for the European languages, and any of the other languages for that matter, I got to watch a Spanish class everyday before my Korean class. As I sat there waiting, I realized the structure was somewhat similar. They didn’t have the conversations that we did (or maybe I just missed them), but the teacher got them involved. He made everyone repeat after him, asked questions and only allowed answers in Spanish, and set up scenarios for people to create dialogue. So simple, yet not what I experienced in high school.

Whether you are afraid of foreign languages, had a bad experience with them, or believe that they are useless in your life, try to give them a second chance. Ohio State offers more than 30 languages, so there’s bound to be one you find interesting. Just give it a shot and make yourself stand out! Nothing looks better to another person than knowing a second language. It shows you can appreciate another culture.

Personally, I recommend Korean :]

10 People You’ll Meet During Your First Year

As a student at The Ohio State University, you have already been exposed to the impressive range of diverse people on our campus. From Orientation to Move-In Day to your 8 a.m. class, you have surely met a cast of characters unlike anything you’ve ever encountered before.

The best part of this variety of people is that each one has something important to teach you.

Here’s a look at 10 people you’ll meet during your first year and will have a lasting impact one way or another.

1. Your Orientation Buddy

Chances are you made at least one friend at summer orientation. Regardless of whether you’re still close, this person taught you the importance of acceptance during your early days in your new home. You probably even still see your orientation pals around campus, and you’ll never forget their companionship.

2. The Roommate(s)

Most first-year students who are living on campus have an unforgettable roommate experience (good or bad). Living in a room with 1-4 total strangers is an experience you may never have again. This relationship will teach you how to interact and live with others. Guaranteed you’ll learn a lot about yourself, as well as understanding where others come from and how they live.

3. The Resident Advisor

You might have the “cool RA” or the strict one. Some want to be your friend. Others are extremely professional. In the end, having an older peer on your floor can only help you. Ask them for advice (they’ll love it). Your RA is a resource that should not be ignored.

4. The Class Friend

This friend might only stick around for a semester, but they’re important. You’ll sit in your unofficial assigned seats together, bond by complaining about homework, and study together. Always make a friend in your classes, especially if you’re ever sick and have to miss a day. This friend also might show up again down the road, so making connections is always helpful.

5. The Overachiever

You and your class friend might despise this person. The overachiever raises their hand to answer every question in class. They remind the professor about an assignment that they might have forgotten they even assigned. Take my advice: don’t mock this person. You’re in college as a student, and you could learn from their pep and knowledge.

6. The Smart Slacker

This is the friend who miraculously get As on every exam, yet (seemingly) barely lifts a finger to study. This friend might not even attend class. You might boil with rage when you do poorly on an exam that you studied for all night, while this friend got a full eight hours of sleep. There’s nothing you can do about their abilities, but you can learn not to stress too much over grades. You can only do your best. Ask this friend for help – maybe there’s a method to their (apparent) slacking.

7. The Mentor

The benefits of a mentor are endless. They could be your Orientation Leader, RA, adviser, older friend in a student organization, or a friend from high school also at Ohio State now. They’ve been in your shoes and know the tricks of the trade to ensure success in college. Get coffee or a meal with them – your mentor will give you invaluable advice and guide you through any problems you encounter.

8. The Buckeye For Life

We’re all Buckeyes for life, but you will meet that friend who bleeds Scarlet and Gray. They only own Ohio State apparel, paint up for athletic events, and secretly aspire to get either the lyrics to “Carmen, Ohio” or a Block “O” tattooed somewhere on their body. You could learn a thing or two from this buckeye. Absorb their school spirit. It is one of the best aspects of going to Ohio State, and there is nothing else like it.

9. The Unforgettable Professor

The academic professionals at this university are incredible. By enrolling in a wide range of courses during your first year, mainly because of that GE curriculum, you just might encounter an inspiring professor. For me, it was a yoga instructor teaching a Gen. Ed. course about the body and mind. If you actively listen and learn from them, you might learn more than what seems like monotonous facts memorized just to ace an exam.

10. The True Friend(s)

Whether you meet them during Welcome Week or studying for finals, true and good people will emerge during your first year. They are there to eat with you at KComm, talk you through your emotional troubles, and support you when you change your major for the third time (or maybe that’s just me). Friendships are constantly changing, but you will be forever indebted to the people who become your people during one of the most important and challenging years of your life.

You’ve got a friend in me,

Dylan MacDowell


Go for Gold!

So we’re about a week into the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, and the USA team is working to bring home the gold.

Typically, we assume a gold medal for Olympic athletes is the highest achievable mark.
But what about us regular folk?

Are we running?!

We can strive for goals too!
Our goals may not be able to win gold for the USA at the next Olympics, but we can always strive to live a healthy lifestyle much like our Olympic team! Maybe you can even make “gold medals” in your life, like ultimate goals of choosing a healthy lifestyle. In your pursuit for a “gold medal” in your life, here are some handy tips you can do:

Set Small Goals For Yourself
It’s easy to get caught up in the ultimate goal, but having short and small goals are great too! Small and short goals are easier to achieve. They also make you feel better about yourself as you progress to the ultimate goal.

It may seem silly, but you can keep a journal of your goals, small and large. Refer to this journal whenever you need a little extra “push” or even to mark off a goal that you’ve achieved! The biggest part of starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is constant commitment to yourself.

Utilize your Recreation Fee
Your recreation fee goes a long way, and there are many different opportunities you can take advantage of with it.

We all know about our RPAC and all its glory, but there are more fitness opportunities beyond just the equipment in the RPAC! There are two gyms on north and south campus: Jesse Owens North and Jesse Owens South. Both gyms provide cardio-based equipment, as well as weight training equipment.
If you’re feeling adventurous, you can check out the Adventure Recreation Center (ARC)! Here you can climb on their indoor rock climbing facilities, or you can check out the outdoor opportunities that the Outdoor Adventure Center.

Connected to the RPAC is the Aquatic Center. Here you can take a dip in the leisure pool, swim some laps in the lap pool, or even chill out in the sauna (see what I did there?!).

Another great opportunity that your recreation fee accounts for are FREE Group Fitness classes. Not only is a Group Fitness class a great way to improve your health, it can also lead to building connections with others that have the same interests!

Your recreation fee is used for many different facilities and programs around Ohio State. With a little research, you can find something that fits your desires and goals!

Make Healthy Nutritional Choices
A proper diet is a great step in the right direction for a healthy lifestyle! Ohio State provide plenty of opportunities to research and discover nutritional value of their dining services. The Student Wellness Center, located in the RPAC, offers free nutritional counseling as well. At a larger level, you can choose to utilize MyPlate.Gov to make healthy eating choices outside of Ohio State’s dining services.

Find a Friend to Workout With You
In a crazy, fast-paced lifestyle that we live in college, it’s hard to keep up with a fitness program. In the same sense, it can also be hard to keep up with your relationships with friends. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Ask one or two of your close friends to be your “work out partner.” Friends are always a great way to keep you on track and motivated to keep up with your fitness goals. You both can hang out and spend time together while improving your health!

Let’s hope you don’t have any friends like Terry Crews though…

Find Fun Alternatives

Not every fitness work out has to be in a gym! There are plenty of fitness opportunities that are off the treadmill and out of the weight room. When the weather improves, running outside may be an option. You  might say, “But Levi, it’s far too cold, and there is too much snow on the ground to go outside.” Ah yes, you can even work out from the comfort of your room! There are programs, like P90X and Insanity, that are focused on fitness from your own room! Apps for your smart phone have been created for health & wellness (7 Minute Workout).

But don’t limit yourself to just working out or running. Find a group of friends, and go out and play some sort of sport! In the winter, you can play basketball, racquetball, or even take a swim in the Aquatic Center. When the weather warms up, head out to the Oval to throw a Frisbee around. You could even head over to the Lincoln Turf Fields and play soccer or football!

So what do you say? Are you ready to “Go for Gold” in your life? Take these tips and head out on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. And hey, you may even start feeling like an Olympian in your life!

13 Things BuckeyeThon 2013 Taught Me

We’ve all heard it: “For The Kids” or “FTK“. But what exactly does that mean? Kids…okay so that means small humans. For them? Baking for them? Creating games for them? No, it’s so much more than that. BuckeyeThon is Ohio State’s dance marathon that raises money and support for Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The ultimate goal is to get one step closer to curing childhood cancer – a goal we would all like to see achieved within our lifetime (and hopefully very soon). Dancers participate in a 12-hour session filled with music, dancing, competitions, and cheering for these amazing kids. As a freshman last year, I participated in the 2013 BuckeyeThon. Here are highlights from my experience, and an overview of what the event meant to me.

1. These children are little superheroes.

Not many of us have gone through anything like what these kids are battling. It really is unfathomable to most to even consider fighting such a horrendous disease. But these kids are fighters- superheroes really- and are able to defy many odds. These kids live and fight each day- something that is truly remarkable.

2. The kids impact your life.

Whether or not you personally interact with the kids at BuckeyeThon, your life will be impacted. Seeing first-hand the patients of such horrible diseases will stick with you forever. Your life isn’t impacted in a terribly depressing way though; these Miracle Kids will make you hopeful for a cure, and dedicated to being a part of finding one.

3. You’ll impact their life, too.

You’re there as support for these kids. This is a whirlwind for both parties, and certainly one that won’t be forgotten. Seeing how grateful the kids and their families were to witness all the support from Ohio State students was truly something special.

4. Every dancer is capable of participating for all 12 hours.

Think about it… these kids fight every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. There are no true breaks until the cancer or disease is gone. You can dance all 12 hours. And I bet you’re going to want to!

5. The power of family is really amazing.

The Miracle Kids are all backed and loved by their families. This love is so obvious and so incredibly strong. The impact that a family has on the spirit of a child is evident.

6. The student body cares…a lot.

This event is evidence that this university is full of students with very caring and loving hearts. The excitement and energy never died. Everyone continued to dance, to wear a smile, and to make an effort to tell the kids that we’re there for them. Having the opportunity to participate in such a tremendous event with my friends and peers was one that I’ll never forget.

7. The community cares, too!

The closing ceremonies and final reveal proved that the community cares a lot about the efforts taken against these horrible diseases. Many community members donate to the cause or come and watch parts of BuckeyeThon. It’s really a collective effort to find cures to these diseases.

8. So what if you’re sleep deprived! You’ll have a blast.

With one of the shifts being held overnight, you won’t be snoozing during your normal sleeping hours. But it’ll be better than catching up on your Zzzs. You’ll be participating with hundreds of your fellow Buckeyes! And you may even experience the sleep-deprived alertness, which can only improve your dance skills.

9. Your friends will keep you going.

Signing up and dancing with your friends makes the experience that much better! And when you are feeling the pain of shin splints or a cramping muscle, they’ll keep you moving! These memories are ones you’ll share forever.

10. There are thousands of reasons to keep hope alive.

Let’s be honest, the news is scary. News headlines make America, and the rest of the world, seem like humanity is crumbling. This dance marathon is proof that there is so much good in the world that is often overshadowed by depressing and dark stories. The patients, the students, and the thousands of dance marathons held all over are reason enough to have hope.

11. Crying in public is 100% acceptable.

The opening and closing ceremonies are emotional. There’s no denying that. Knowing more about the lives and histories of these Miracle Kids will make you tear up- and that is absolutely okay. No one will judge you, because it’s natural to be empathetic.

12. The money you raise makes a difference.

Not every student can go out and raise thousands of dollars for the cause. Even the smallest donations matter and will be used to benefit and support hundreds of Nationwide Children’s Hospital patients. Just by registering and receiving donations, you’re helping save lives!

13.  It’s absolutely worth it.

The experience is worth it. Period. I encourage every student to participate in the event. You’ll add to the fight against these diseases, you’ll make a difference in someone else’s life, and you’ll be forever changed- for the better.

FTK! And Go Bucks!

Your First Year Love Affair

In true Valentine’s Day fashion, it is necessary to talk about that one word with four letters. LOVE. I’ve always been deemed the “hopeless romantic” among my friend groups. It may have started in the second grade when I fell in love with Leonardo DiCaprio in his role as Jack in Titanic…and definitely continued through my awkward tween years with an obsession with the Backstreet Boys.


While I was (am?) very much infatuated with these heart throbs, I was also in love with the passion Leo and my favorite boy band exuded in doing what they love. I love love. Nothing makes me more passionate than seeing people do the thing which sets them on fire. This is why I enjoy working with college students, specifically with first-years. There are few things that get me more excited than seeing individuals start a four (or five!) year love affair with an interest they encounter in their first year at college.

In your first year, it’s all about “playing the field”. Don’t be afraid to “flirt” with different ways to make your experience at Ohio State a transformational one.

Whether it’s going on a Buck-I-Serv trip, learning about undergraduate research opportunities, or attending BuckeyeThon (which we suggest you do this weekend), you are bound to find something that sparks an interest. Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone – join something quirky like the Ukulele Club or an improv group.

However, my hope is that after some serious time scoping out your options, you will come across something during your time at Ohio State which engages, inspires, and transforms you from the inside out. First Year Experience strives to support you all in your first year so you are able to make a lasting impact on our university and the greater world in which we live during your time at the university and beyond.

Love is about being inspired, taking risks, and committing once you’ve stumbled across something meaningful. If you’re still looking for something that tugs at your heartstrings here, that’s great. One way you can learn more about yourself, reflect on your purpose and passion, and connect with other students about their “love affairs” which inspire them to lead is by attending The Annual Conference on Leadership and Civic Engagement. The conference will be held on March 1 and is free to all Ohio State students. At the conference, students will have the opportunity to learn about topics such as organizational development, non-profit management, innovation and entrepreneurship, reflection, peer leadership, service learning, team building, and communication. You may just run into me there!

Your first year is one to spread your love as far as it goes, and I hope you have done just that. There are so many people to meet, so many traditions to take part in, and so many ways to find that love that sets you on fire by engaging in the Ohio State community. Who knows? Maybe the passion you lead with at Ohio State will be the spark for another Buckeye to leave their mark.