How Green is your Church?

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How Green is your Church is a questionnaire from Operation Noah that covers how environmentally conscious a church is. It is in check-list form and it’s purpose is to allow congregations to assess their starting point with environmental issues. To view the entire questionnaire, click here.

Bright Now: Towards Fossil Free Churches

Cover of the Bright Now report

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Bright Now: Towards Fossil Free Churches is a campaign from Operation Noah on the necessity for churches to divest from fossil fuel companies. This initiative is based on the belief that the care for God’s creation must extend to the way in which churches invest their funds. The campaign includes a report on the urgency of the issue, a reflective paper on the ethics of fossil fuels, and tools to help divest a church from fossil fuels. To read more, click here.

Caring for our Neighbors Bible Study

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This bible study from Operation Noah discusses caring for our neighbors. It begins by recommending to read Romans 8: 18-21 and Luke 10:25-37 and then goes on to discuss both passages. To read the entire Bible Study, click here.

Climate Change and the Purposes of God: a Call to the Church

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Operation Noah launched Climate Change and the Purposes of God: a Call to the Church in 2012 at the start of the Christian season of Lent. It is a declaration that challenges churches to realize that care and concern about God’s creation is a foundation of the church’s mission. To read the entire document, click here.

Consider the Lilies of the Field

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Consider the Lilies of the Field is a Bible study from Operation Noah. It includes an article about reading Luke’s Gospel and Saving the Planet by May Grey. To read the entire Bible study, click here.

JCAN: Jewish Climate Action Network


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JCAN is the Jewish Climate Action Network that aims to mobilize communities to take leadership in climate campaigns through education and reducing carbon footprints. Their mission includes making the Jewish voice on climate change heard, building relationships with environmental and justice leaders, inspiring and mobilizing Jewish communities, and providing informational resources on climate change action. To read more about JCAN, click here.

2018: Time for the Church to Take a Lead on Climate Change

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Operation Noah chair Nicky Bull reflects on the year ahead and how churches will fight for climate justice. The article discusses why churches must take a lead on climate change, what should be the priority, what steps to take, and the future. To read the entire article, click here.

Creation Renewed and Patient Hope Bible Study

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This bible study is from Operation Noah and is a reflection on Romans 8:18-25.

“Creation, you see, was subjected to pointless futility, not of its own volition, but because of the one who placed it in this subjection, in the hope that creation itself would be freed from its slavery to decay, to enjoy the freedom that comes when God’s children are glorified.” Romans 8:20-21.

To read the entire bible study, click here.

Operation Noah

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Operation Noah is a Christian organization that supports interfaith work on climate change. Their mission is to promote and to develop leadership in response to the climate crisis, support the transition to 100% clean energy, engage Christian communities, and to produce resources to help Christians understand and explore the issues surrounding climate change. To read more, click here.

Dharma Gaia

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Dharma Gaia is an organization that aims to nurture awareness of the relation between Buddhism and ecology. They generate funds for Buddhist-inspired ecological projects in Asia and the developing world, motivate Buddhist communities to actively engage in the ecological challenges of the time, and publicize the efforts of engaged Buddhists working on environmental projects. To read more about Dharma Gaia, click here.