God’s Good Creation is a vacation bible school (VBS) resource from Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The VBS focuses on teaching children about hunger, hope, and the work to which God calls on us to aid in ending hunger for good. There are five days that each contain learning activities with different themes. To read more or download God’s Good Creation, click here.
Food, Farms, Gardens
Hungering for Justice; Luther and the Economy Study Guide
Hungering for Justice; A Luther and the Economy Study Guide is a resource from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This extensive study guide covers topics such as sustainability, caring for creation, household economies, food and hunger, and more. To read or download the entire study guide, click here.
Food Security: Dream of Feeding Hundreds Comes True
Brother Paul Kennedy, member of the Dominican Order, grew up in Cincinnati with a dream of running a restaurant. Today, he is fulfilling that dream in an unexpected way; every weekday, he is in charge of feeding the physical and spiritual hunger of more than 300 people at the Holy Family Soup Kitchen in Columbus. Brother Paul stated that, “What always was important to me about the restaurant business was the chance to communicate with people as much as the chance to feed them. But regardless of what I did, every job I’ve had in the past was focused on service to people. Here at the soup kitchen, I get the chance to do the kind of work I wanted to while growing up, while at the same time getting to know the people we serve and developing a rapport with them.” To read more on Brother Paul Kennedy and the Holy Family Soup Kitchen, click here.
ELCA Global Farm Challenge
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) created a global farm challenge where they give youth and adults the chance to walk through one season with smallholder farmers and to learn about the challenges and opportunities they face. They have now created a guide so that this experience can be shared with all congregations. The guide includes instructions, tips from ELCA World Hunger staff, and printable copies of the signs needed to host a “Field Experience.” To read more or download the guide, click here.
Ethics of Eating Cards
Catholic Rural Life has seven Ethics of Eating Cards that talk about different food and farm issues. The cards are meant for personal or parish uses. The seven cards cover topics such as water, nutritious and safe food, animal welfare, human rights, and a sustainable food system. To read more on the seven Ethics of Eating Cards, or to purchase the set, click here.
Agricultural Ethics for a Global Generation
Agricultural Ethics for a Global Generation is a series of one-page sheets discussing different agricultural topics. They were created by Catholic Rural Life for the purpose of being used as bulletin inserts, handouts, or even letters to elected officials. They cover topics such as stewardship of the land, the churches role in agriculture, food security for the poor and vulnerable, and more. To read more or download the sheets, click here.
Real Food
“Real Food, the food that is the source of creaturely health and delight is precious because it is a fundamental means though which God’s nurture and love for the whole creation is expressed.”
Norman Wirzba
The Center for Environmental Leadership (CEL) believes that food systems that reflect biblical values and principles will produce healthy, just, and ecologically sustainable food for all. This short article describes economic, cultural, and educational goals all Christians should have for improving food systems. The CEL also recommends reading Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating by Norman Wirzba as they believe it will make a significant contribution to a Christian’s outlook on food and food production. To read the entire article, click here.
Gardening with God in Mind
Gardening with God in Mind is a short video from Godspace. It focuses on the relationship between gardening and God and how to draw connections between the two, and shows images of a garden created with God in mind. To watch the entire video, click here.
Faith Based Farms
Faith Based Farms is a webinar about communities and families across the United States that show their faith through farming. Cole Flynn, the travels from from New Jersey, to Wisconsin, to Michigan, and talks to a wide diversity of people including Muslims, Christians, and even a Druid. To watch Faith Based Farms, click here.
The Villa Farm
The Villa Maria Community Center farm is an integral part of the Sisters of the Humility of Mary. The farm serves as a symbol of the struggle and sacrifice of a small group of women who settled on the Lawrence County land in 1864 and succeeded in establishing a viable, productive farm when others before them had failed. Land management at the farm is based on spirituality, sustainability, simplicity and the preservation of all local life systems. To read more about the farm, click here.