Sacred Seasons of the Sacred Earth

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Sacred Seasons of the Sacred Earth is a series of four webinars focusing on the festivals of Hanukkah, Tu B’Shvat, and two sessions of Passover. The first webinar will be on Tuesday November 13th,  2018 at 7 pm Eastern time. The webinars are from Rabbi Arthur Waskow and Alanna Kleinman, a rabbinical student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and the Ira Silverman Memorial Intern at The Shalom Center. To read more or to register for the webinars, click here.

Single-Use Plastics: Contrary to God’s Design

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Evangelical Environmental Network has created a resource with Biblical guidance on how single-use plastic is contrary to God’s design. They believe that single use plastics are clogging up God’s great cycle of life and harming God’s creatures. As part of EEN’s pledge against straws and other single use plastics, they stated:

“God didn’t create plastic. If there is one thing that thumbs its nose at the Creator’s design, if there is one product that contradicts what Ecclesiastes proclaims — “the earth remains the same through the ages” — it is plastic.”

To read more, click here.

Faith-Based Study Guide on Climate Change

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Catholic Rural Life has created a faith-based study guide on climate change. It is a document that walks through global climate change with the main objective being to, “Discern what God is calling you to do to improve your relationships with God, other people, and God’s creation in the context of global climate change.” To read more or download the study guide, click here.

Ethics of Eating Cards

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Catholic Rural Life has seven Ethics of Eating Cards that talk about different food and farm issues. The cards are meant for personal or parish uses. The seven cards cover topics such as water, nutritious and safe food, animal welfare, human rights, and a sustainable food system. To read more on the seven Ethics of Eating Cards, or to purchase the set, click here.

Agricultural Ethics for a Global Generation

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Agricultural Ethics for a Global Generation is a series of one-page sheets discussing different agricultural topics. They were created by Catholic Rural Life for the purpose of being used as bulletin inserts, handouts, or even letters to elected officials. They cover topics such as stewardship of the land, the churches role in agriculture, food security for the poor and vulnerable, and more. To read more or download the sheets, click here.

Laudato Si’ in Spoken Word

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Laudato Si’ in Spoken Word is a poem video of Pope Francis’s teaching on the environment. It is meant to convey the essence of the Pope’s encyclical in a multimedia representation. It also includes a discussion guide to accompany the video. To watch the video or download the discussion guide, click here.

Green Churches Three Year Plan

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Green Churches Network plans to expand their organization, and to help them do so, they have created a Three Year Plan. The Three Year Plan, 2017 to 2020, includes expanding green churches, increasing education activities, and more. The plan lays out Green Churches goals year by year and includes what actions they will take to reach them. The plan also describes the positive impacts these actions will have. To view the entire plan, click here.

Activities on Spirituality of Creation

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Activities on Spirituality of Creation is a faith education activity from Green Churches Network. They believe that the continuity of the Church depends on preaching the gospel and the continuity of the biodiversity on the planet will require our appreciation and care for creation. They offer two different activities: one about the seven days of creation and another focused on seeking the Kingdom of God. To read or download these activities, click here.