
4-H Enrollment Opens February 15! Deadline April 1

4-H enrollment is now open! The enrollment deadline is April 1.

Family Enrollment Instructions

1) If NO members of your family have been enrolled in 4-H before, download the New Family Enrollment Guide.

2) Download the 4-H Family Re-Enrollment Guide if your family has previously used 4-H Online to enroll youth and/or approved adult 4-H volunteers.

Important: 4-H Family Update e-mails and communications from the office are sent to e-mail addresses entered in the 4-H Online enrollment system. Please use e-mail addresses that are checked regularly so you receive the most up to date information.

If you have questions about enrollment, please contact the Extension Office via phone (740-454-0144) or e-mail (

2024 Honor Clubs

Each year, 4-H clubs are asked to report their club, county and state level activities on the 4-H Club Year End Survey. Each activity is worth one point. Clubs with a score in the top 20% will be recognized as Honor Clubs.

Congratulations to our 2024 Honor Clubs! Honor Clubs will be recognized during the 4-H Awards Ceremony on Sunday night of the fair!

Adamsville Renegades
Branded Wranglers
City Kids
Creative Farm Kids
Duncan Falls Helping Hands
Flocks of Fun
Flying R
Hoof Beats
Perry Merry Mixers
Rolling Plains
Wakatomika Valley


Current 4-H Club Fundraisers

Avondale 4-H Club

February 18-March 18

Kettle Corn

Contact: Karen Gill, 740-562-8721


Branded Wranglers 4-H Club

Starts March 13

Pepperoni Rollers

Contact: Kim Miller, 740-408-2994


Fair Play 4-H Club

March 1-April 1

Pearl Valley Cheese

Contact: Jailynn Booher, 740-973-8148


Inspirations 4-H Club

February 16-March 14

Amish Fry Pie Order Form

Pepperoni Roller Order Form

Contact: Jayme Wisecarver, 740-252-7190


Muskingum Traditions 4-H Club

March 3-April 13

McDonald’s Greenhouse Flower Sale

Contact: Breann Adams, 740-487-8526


2025 Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Now Available! Due January 31

Who: Teens and Volunteers

What: Ohio 4-H Conference

When: Saturday, March 8

Where: Greater Columbus Convention Center

Registration fees for the conference are $40. $20 scholarships are offered through the Muskingum County 4-H Endowment Fund for teens and adults.

The additional $20 will be covered for the following youth:

  • Enrolled Junior Leaders
  • First-Time Camp Counselors selecting the Conference as their required activity.

Final Cost:

  • Teen/Adult: Not Camp Counselor/Junior Leaders – $20 fee
  • Teen: First-Time Camp Counselor/Junior Leaders – NO COST

2025 Registration Form

2025 Registration Booklet with Sessions

Deadline to submit registrations to the Extension Office is Friday, January 31 at 4:30 p.m.

OSU Extension must pay for all individuals who register for the conference. If someone registers and does not attend, he/she will be asked to pay the scholarship amount back to the office and may not be eligible for future scholarships.

The Winning 4-H Plan: Accommodations for Youth due April 15

The Winning 4-H Plan assists Extension professionals and volunteers by providing resources to aid them in developing accommodation plans to meet the needs of Ohio 4-H youth. Please see page 7 of the Muskingum County 4-H Owner’s Manual for more information.

New in 2025! Youth who need a scribe for written work should have a Winning 4-H Plan.

Members who have previously submitted a request form do not need to submit again. The Extension Office will contact enrolled youth with a Winning 4-H Plan from the previous year in April to ask for any requested changes. If no changes are requested, accommodations will be listed as they were the previous year. If the member was not in 4-H last year, please contact the office so the previous plan can be updated.

Access the form:

4-H Membership Across County Lines – Submit by March 1

Youth are expected to affiliate with the 4-H program in their county of residence or receive approval for membership outside their county of residence.

4-H Membership Across County Lines Request – The request form must be completed by any youth requesting 4-H membership in Muskingum County when their primary residence is located in another county. Once granted, the permission for membership across county lines shall be permanent and stable for the duration of the youth’s 4-H membership. This means the youth does not need to apply each year. It also means that once granted, they cannot change counties unless circumstances change. If the youth’s circumstances change (e.g., residence, school, or custody), the cross county lines membership can be reevaluated.

Be sure to review the policy, as there are specific reasons a request can be approved and specific reasons it cannot be: 4-H Membership Across County Lines Policy. Find the request form online: It is strongly recommended this form is submitted by March 1.

Muskingum County 4-H Scholarship Application Now Available! Due January 31

New this year! Youth enrolled in a trade school, certificate/apprenticeship program or pursuing a career directly out of high school are eligible to apply. 

Muskingum County 4-H Scholarships were established in 2015 by the Muskingum County 4-H Committee in order to help Muskingum County young people become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. Muskingum County 4-H recognizes and rewards individual excellence in project work, leadership, citizenship and community service. A minimum of two $500 scholarships will be awarded. Applicants may apply multiple times but will only be awarded the scholarship once. Complete application and essay must be submitted for consideration.

Applicants must:

  • be a Muskingum County 4-H member or alumni who graduated high school in 2024 or will graduate in 2025.
  • be active in 4-H for the previous three (3) consecutive years;
  • have a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale based on the most recently completed semester.

Two types of applicants will be considered:

  • Youth enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution, trade school, or certificate/apprenticeship program. They will be required to describe how this scholarship will help them attain their educational goals in an essay. Selected youth must submit a tuition receipt as proof of enrollment before scholarship checks are issued.
  • Youth who started a career directly out of high school who need tools, uniforms, or other supplies to support them in their career. They will be required to describe what the scholarship money will be used to purchase and how this scholarship will help them attain their career goals in an essay. Selected youth must submit a receipt for purchases to be reimbursed before scholarship checks are issued.

Each applicant will be scored as follows:

  • 50% for 4-H involvement
  • 20% for community & citizenship involvement
  • 20% for essay
  • 10% for academic achievement

Complete the application: 

Applications are due January 31.