4-H Camp Ohio Facilities Newsletter and Volunteer Opportunities

Many of us, including myself, feel great affection toward 4-H Camp Ohio – home of some beloved memories. As we work hard to keep the camp relevant and appealing to our current clientele, we are examining our facilities to prioritize improvements and updates. As Board President, I would love to see our 4-H family in Muskingum County become engaged in these projects!

4-H Camp Ohio recently published its first Facilities Newsletter. This newsletter will be published several times a year so that we can share information about facility maintenance and upgrades at 4-H Camp Ohio. It will also provide information about possible volunteer and donation opportunities.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

To join the e-mail list and receive regular communication from our Facilities Co-Chair Ken LaFontaine when projects are happening and volunteers are needed, e-mail Ken at klafontaine@twc.com.