Royalty & Ambassador Applications Now Available! Due June 30

2024 Royalty and Ambassador applications are now available on our website on the Junior Fair Forms & Documents page: to apply is June 30, 11:59 p.m. 

Interviews will be held July 17 at the Veteran’s Building at the Muskingum County Fairgrounds (except Equine Ambassador, which will be held during Livestock Skillathon on July 10).

Note about Completing Applications

Members applying for teen opportunities should answer questions in their own words. Adult helpers can assist, but individuals who are selecting youth for these leadership roles prefer to hear directly from the youth. Points may be deducted during selection if those evaluating responses do not think they are the youth’s own work.

Royalty & Ambassador Applications

Beef Ambassador
Dairy Princess & Ambassador
Equine Ambassador
Goat Ambassador
Junior Fair King & Queen
Junior Fair Prince & Princess
Poultry Ambassador
Pork Ambassador
Rabbit Ambassador