Support 4-H Camp Ohio! Kroger Community Rewards & Fall Wish List Items

Kroger Community Rewards

Each quarter, we see a return of more than $1,000 from the Kroger Community Rewards program. Every purchase makes a difference!
To sign up in Kroger rewards, log onto the Kroger website and search for 4-H Camp Ohio under the Community Rewards tab. Enter in the access code BC060. Every time you use your Kroger card, Camp receives money back! Simple!

Amazon Wish List

Please find our 2023 Wish List on Amazon by using the following link:

Other Wish List Items

Our TOP 3 FACILITY NEEDS for this Fall include:
36” Bolt Cutter
15 gallons fibered aluminum roof coating
200 feet 12/2 W/GRND wire

Our TOP 3 PROGRAM NEEDS for this Fall include:
Volunteers to teach classes
Alarm clocks for cabins
50lb case of Paraffin wax for candle making

Our KITCHEN NEEDS for this Fall include:
Kitchen Hand Dish Cloths for cleaning tables

Please contact the 4-H Camp Ohio Office if you are interested in donating any of these items, (740) 745-2194.

The 4-H Camp Ohio Staff, Board and Corporation members, camp counselors and most importantly our campers THANK YOU for any and all contributions made to 4-H Camp Ohio to assist in always improving the camp experience for all!