Greetings 4-H Families!
Earlier this week, OSU Extension released guidelines for a return to in person 4-H activities. This information was shared with volunteers on Monday, but I want to make families aware of the expectations when participating in face-to-face 4-H activities. Our office is still familiarizing ourselves with the new guidelines, but will work through questions from volunteers and families as they are presented.
Ohio 4-H clubs that choose to begin meeting in-person must follow specific guidelines to promote the health and safety of our 4-H community, as we face the challenge of COVID-19.
Clubs choosing to meet in-person should provide virtual connection options for members who have that preference. Please note that in-person 4-H club meetings, activities and other events may be suspended at any time if local, state, federal, and/or university authorities issue new restrictions. 4-H meetings and activities can only be held in person if Ohio 4-H Planning Guide for In-Person Meetings & Events guidelines can be followed.
The Ohio 4-H Planning Guide for In-Person Meetings & Events provides expectations for all members, volunteers, and their families while participating in 4-H club meetings and activities. County and Independent Fairs work closely with Ohio 4-H/The Ohio State University, but are separate entities and follow different guidance. When 4-H members and volunteers participate in Junior Fair activities, they follow guidance from these local partners, as Ag Societies have the responsibility for the Junior Fair.
The Muskingum County OSU Extension office is in the process of reopening, but employees will also continue to telework. We will continue to send information to you via e-mail. You will find the guidelines, a tip sheet and resources at When possible, we encourage OSU Extension programs, meetings, and events to meet virtually.
Also, the Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department has issued an additional recommendation for local organizations. Effective immediately, any child or adult that is returning from a vacation out of state be expected to refrain from practice, meetings, activities and games for a period of two weeks upon their return. Even if an individual is tested upon their return, they should still be excluded from activities with the group/team for a period of two weeks. A person may test negative on one day and be positive the next, and the virus can take 2-14 days for symptoms to appear. With the gathering of more groups for classes, practices and activities if a child or adult becomes symptomatic, the entire group would be out for at least a 14 day period.
Be safe and be well!
Last Call for Zoom Quality Assurance and Horse Education Programs!
Two additional Zoom Quality Assurance sessions will be offered in Muskingum County on July 6 at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Youth can register here: These are the final sessions that will be offered in county If you cannot attend on July 6, Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is the option for completion of the Quality Assurance requirement. Youth can complete this online course at a cost of $12. You will sign in utilizing your 4HOnline family login information. Details:
One FINAL Horse Education Program will be offered on Zoom – July 9 at 6 p.m. Youth can register here: As a reminder, youth are required to attend the Horse Education Program to exhibit at the Muskingum County Fair.
4-H Still Project Judging
2020 Muskingum County 4-H Still Project Judging will take place virtually on a platform called Flipgrid. Our Flipgrid will launch on July 8 for submissions! Instructions for submitting will be provided at that time.
Review 2020 Still Project Judging Details for more information! The document details requirements, information about awards and alternate opportunities.
IMPORTANT: In an effort to plan for project judge recruitment and to help us design our Flipgrid portal, we are asking youth who plan to submit Flipgrid project videos for still and livestock projects to complete the registration form by July 3:
Junior Fair Livestock Skillathon
2020 Junior Fair Skillathon will not take place face-to-face in 2020. A virtual option will be provided on a platform called Flipgrid. Our Flipgrid will launch on July 8 for submissions! Instructions for submitting will be provided at that time.
Review 2020 Livestock Skillathon Details for more information! The document details requirements, information about awards and alternate opportunities for project completion purposes.
IMPORTANT: In an effort to plan for project judge recruitment and to help us design our Flipgrid portal, we are asking youth who plan to submit Flipgrid project videos for still and livestock projects to complete the registration form by July 3:
Junior Fair Entry Forms Now Available!
Junior Fair Entry Forms due July 16 can be accessed on our website:
- Feeder Calf – due July 16, 11:59 p.m. via online entry form. No late entries will be accepted.
- Market Rabbit – This is a printable form due at Market Rabbit Registration on July 16 from 6-8 p.m. at the Muskingum County Fairgrounds. ALL Market Rabbits must be tattooed on July 16. If families are unable to print a copy of the entry form, printed copies are available on the table to the left of the Extension Office entry door. Please come to registration with the form completed (except for tattoos).
- Horse Vaccination Record Submission – for youth who did not submit proof of 5-way vaccination with their entry, documentation must by submitted by July 16, 11:59 p.m. via the online form.