March 13 – COVID-19 Update

Greetings 4-H Families!

It has been a quite a week! Thank you for your patience with your county 4-H staff, the state 4-H office and OSU Extension. We know you have many questions:

  • When can we have club meetings?
  • Should we invest in projects?
  • Will there be summer activities?

The answer is: at this point, we just don’t know. Things are changing rapidly. We do know that we’re committed to doing our part to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We also know that when we choose to act together, we can have incredible positive impacts.

The actions we’ve taken so far are in alignment with necessary precautions recommended by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Ohio Department of Health. These are in place to help keep us all from getting, or unintentionally spreading, this virus.

UPDATE: ALL 4-H events, programs, and activities scheduled between now and April 20 must be held virtually, postponed, or cancelled. This includes Quality Assurance and camp counselor activities.

We are also disappointed to announce that the new Winner’s Circle program will not take place in 2020. We look forward to launching this program in 2021.

For our livestock project members and families, Ohio 4-H and the Ohio Department of Agriculture discussed some changes for this year that will help mitigate the effects the coronavirus is having on holding in-person programming. For livestock quality assurance (QA) for the 2020 year only:

  • QA must still be completed before the opening day of exhibition, however the 45-day prior to the opening of the exhibition requirement will not be enforced.
  • Youth livestock exhibitors (8-18) may take the online YQCA certification. Typically, this is only permitted for youth 12 years and older. View more information on our website.

In the coming days, we’ll share updates via e-mail as we receive new information.