4-H Camp Ohio Launches Buckeye Funder Campaign

I know that 4-H camp is near and dear to many of our 4-H families, so I wanted to share this opportunity with you. This month, 4-H Camp Ohio is asking for your support to raise money for facility improvements. Specifically, the fifty-year-old restrooms on the west side of camp (the boy’s side) are in desperate need of renovation. While they are kept clean and usable, they are dark, unwelcoming, not ADA accessible, and they lack privacy.

The fourteen counties that utilize 4-H Camp Ohio are coming together during October to reach a goal of $30,000. Combined with other grants and donations already collected, this goal will make camp’s dream of great facilities a reality! If each county’s 4-H families collectively contribute just $2,200, we’ll meet our goal! All donations are tax deductible and 100% goes directly to facility improvements at Camp Ohio! All contributions, small and large, will make a difference! Please consider donating today at go.osu.edu/CampOhio and show camp that Muskingum County cares!

While you can only donate via credit card through the Buckeye Funder website, checks can be accepted in the mail.


Checks should be made payable to The Ohio State University and mailed to:

OSU Extension – Franklin County

Attn: Beth Boomershine

530 West Spring Street, Suite 275

Columbus, OH 43215


Please indicate that it is for the Buckeye Funder.


We are more than 20% funded in the first few days! Thanks to those who have contributed so far!